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One School, One Read Linda Robinson Library Coordinator, Mansfield Public Schools.

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1 One School, One Read Linda Robinson Library Coordinator, Mansfield Public Schools

2 An idea starts…… Reading American Libraries in 2003 Shared the idea with my principal Sold the idea with a school/community connection Shared it with MMS Team Leaders, given the green light

3 Best advice given to me……… Chatting with the Superintendent He suggested that I get the BOE involved We did a BOE presentation and gave them copies of the book and asked their advice Made lots of adults part of the discussion

4 Required Reading…….. Since everyone would be reading this book it became “Required Reading” Formed a committee of teachers to read about 20 pre-selected titles available in paperback Offered alternatives Connected with Public Library/Parents

5 How the basics worked….. Each grade level teacher has one reading class (32 classes) Each student received a copy of the book, as did all adults Reading was done in the reading classes I involved Specials teachers

6 Mansfield Middle School Fall 2003

7 Preparations Staff Brainstorming sessions Located support information & resources Planning by teams and information shared Creation of a web page Ordered 800 books LMC became the “Prop Department” Decorated School

8 Decorated the Building

9 Kick Off Events

10 X-Block Activities

11 Classroom Activities

12 The Meeker Inn and……..

13 Our Colonial Lunch

14 Identify the Object contest

15 Additional Features OSOR magnets to all students OSOR pins to all staff Colonial bookmarks to everyone Tried to bring in a Fife & Drum Tried to have an outside Colonial Winter Fest Tried to involve student council Music connection created

16 Teacher Survey What was one aspect that was positive? What was one aspect that was negative? What would you suggest to improve your response to the previous question? On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate this experience? (1 is least worthwhile) Do you think we should repeat this? Other comments?

17 SURVEY: Positive Aspects High involvement Everyone could talk and share even between classes Foreign Language and Music classes could be involved in the discussion Loved all the activities & extensions (lunch) Loved having their own books w/ their names Timely discussions Tied in with world events Everyone was involved

18 SURVEY: Negative Aspects Cancellation of some fun activities Various reading levels hard to meet Play gave away the ending Student Council events needed more planning Realistic fiction genre is not as popular Disruptions in the schedule & normal curriculum activities

19 SURVEY: Improvements More group talk opportunities More students involved in planning Don’t give away the ending Difficult to decide where it should be covered (LA or A&A) Different opinions on the time line and the time of year

20 How worthwhile was OSOR? On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being least worthwhile) the average was 4.2 Should we repeat OSOR? 53 said “yes”; 1 said “no”; and 5 didn’t answer the question.

21 Other Teacher Comments Many thanks of appreciation Suggestions regarding the type of book Need for a culminating activity Unfortunate that the authors didn’t visit We’ll get better the more we do it Timely topic, but maybe something more uplifting or a different culture or genre Could we “re-use” book titles every 4-5 years Stretched reluctant readers to try a book they wouldn’t normally select

22 Other Comments Conversation shared by one of our teachers: In the middle of the event two fifth graders decided to both read another book together (The Witch of Blackbird Pond) and they said to their teacher “Look! Two friends, one read!”

23 7th Grade Survey OSOR done through A & A so that all teachers could participate. Survey given at the end of the events. Included 10 questions—many questions asked students to explain their answers. Almost everyone understood the purpose of OSOR and what they were supposed to learn based on the responses.

24 Student Survey Comments:  More mixing between groups.  Disappointed in not going outside.  Didn’t like the ending of the book.  Many thought it was very exciting and some boring.  Liked working together in student council  More cross-grade activities are needed

25 Student Survey Results: Did you like the book?  Yes—102No—42 Do you think it was a good choice?  Yes—105No—40 Did reading this book inspire you to further research?  Yes—4No—118

26 Student Survey (con’t): What was your favorite activity?  1 st --Reading in A&A  2 nd —Colonial Lunch Do you feel more connected after OSOR?  Yes—45 No—98 Would you recommend having another OSOR?  Yes—106 No—35

27 Reflecting upon 2003-04….. Overall the feedback by teachers, students, parents, and the BOE was positive But how much reading really got done? And how much did we talk about the book?

28 Repeating the experience….. Decided it was too much to do every year Started another committee to select a book Picked a title and started planning with teachers in a staff meeting Grassroots changes were proposed

29 If this is OSOR…….. Why aren’t all teachers and adults involved? Why isn’t the focus on reading? Why isn’t the focus on building school community?

30 What’s the answer……. Small groups, mixing grades within groups 30 minutes each day for three weeks, school-wide All certified staff in the building had a group, other adults helped a group Support a school goal— global awareness

31 Raising the stakes…… Now everyone wanted to know how to teach the book Book Support Central (coordinating lesson plans, resources, webpages) Connections to other cultures and reading We still offered other events (like contacting the author), but our focus changed

32 My new responsibilities….. “Group Guru” PR and advertising Fund Raising Outside Resource Coordinator Communications Central Cheerleader Book Expert

33 OSOR 2005-06….. Book: The Breadwinner Here is a summary in video form

34 Reflecting on OSOR 05/06….. Even more successful Lots of reading Lots of community Very positive survey results 95% of teachers wanted it again, but for varied reasons Great community connections

35 Where are we with OSOR…… Staff ask when and what book is next Connecting to “personal kindness” and “global awareness” A committee has a tentative title The BOE is on board and older members can’t wait

36 At Mansfield Middle School One School, One Read is a collaborative reading experience from beginning to end

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