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Bible Question Box. 2 Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 speaks of “Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.” Is there anything else mentioned about.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Question Box. 2 Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 speaks of “Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.” Is there anything else mentioned about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Question Box

2 2 Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 speaks of “Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.” Is there anything else mentioned about her being possessed?

3 3 Mary Magdalene Mary is introduced in Luke 8:1-3Mary is introduced in Luke 8:1-3 Magdalene: From Magdala, town on western shore of Sea of Galilee, Matt. 15:39Magdalene: From Magdala, town on western shore of Sea of Galilee, Matt. 15:39 Healed of seven “evil spirits”, Luke 8:2Healed of seven “evil spirits”, Luke 8:2

4 4 Mary Magdalene: Her Life Received great redemption, Lk. 8:2Received great redemption, Lk. 8:2 From demonic bondage to freedom in ChristFrom demonic bondage to freedom in Christ Grateful follower of Jesus, Lk. 8:2-3; Mk. 15:40-41Grateful follower of Jesus, Lk. 8:2-3; Mk. 15:40-41 Evidently of some means, Lk. 8:2-3Evidently of some means, Lk. 8:2-3

5 5 Mary Magdalene: Her Life Devoted, faithful & humble discipleDevoted, faithful & humble disciple At the crucifixion, Jno. 19:25At the crucifixion, Jno. 19:25 At the burial, Mk. 15:47At the burial, Mk. 15:47 Helped prepare embalming spices, Mk. 16:1Helped prepare embalming spices, Mk. 16:1 Among the first at the tomb after resurrection, Mk. 16:2-8Among the first at the tomb after resurrection, Mk. 16:2-8

6 6 Mary Magdalene: Her Life First to see resurrected Jesus, Mk. 16:9First to see resurrected Jesus, Mk. 16:9 Wonderful revelation, Jno. 20:11-18Wonderful revelation, Jno. 20:11-18 Not believed at first, Mk. 16:10-11, 14Not believed at first, Mk. 16:10-11, 14 Likely that she continued in Jerusalem with other disciples, Acts 1:14-15Likely that she continued in Jerusalem with other disciples, Acts 1:14-15

7 7 Mary Magdalene: False Assumptions & Allegations She was a former prostituteShe was a former prostitute Attempt to identify her as the “sinner” woman of Luke 7:37Attempt to identify her as the “sinner” woman of Luke 7:37 Introduced “afterward” as one who had been healed, Luke 8:1-2Introduced “afterward” as one who had been healed, Luke 8:1-2 Married to Jesus & bore his childMarried to Jesus & bore his child

8 8 Mary Magdalene: Wife of Jesus? “One of the more popular motifs has been to paint Jesus as a happy husband who either escaped or survived the crucifixion and lived in seclusion and marital bliss to a ripe old age. Several books have presented this hypothesis, the most influential being Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Lincoln, and Leigh in the 1980’s.

9 9 Mary Magdalene: Wife of Jesus? “According to the scenario presented in this work, Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child and the bloodline of Jesus is traced in the Merovingian dynasty of medieval France.” -Ken Green “The Da Vinci Code, A Review (2)” Biblical Insights, V:12, Dec. 2005

10 10 Alleges a conspiracy to promote Jesus as deity, when in fact he was only viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet until 325 A.D.Alleges a conspiracy to promote Jesus as deity, when in fact he was only viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet until 325 A.D. Roman emperor Constantine conspired to deify Jesus ChristRoman emperor Constantine conspired to deify Jesus Christ Jesus & Mary Magdalene were secretly married and had a childJesus & Mary Magdalene were secretly married and had a child

11 11 Early Christianity entailed “the cult of the Great Mother” Mary Magdalene represented the feminine cult and the Holy Grail of traditional loreEarly Christianity entailed “the cult of the Great Mother” Mary Magdalene represented the feminine cult and the Holy Grail of traditional lore She was also Jesus’ wife and the mother of his childrenShe was also Jesus’ wife and the mother of his children Magdalene’s womb, carrying Jesus offspring, was the legendary Holy Grail (& is seen in Da Vinci’s encoded painting, The Last Supper)Magdalene’s womb, carrying Jesus offspring, was the legendary Holy Grail (& is seen in Da Vinci’s encoded painting, The Last Supper)

12 12 Early Jesus was not seen as divine (God) by His followers until Emperor Constantine declared him so for his own purposesEarly Jesus was not seen as divine (God) by His followers until Emperor Constantine declared him so for his own purposes The Nicean Council of the 4th Century was the context for Constantine’s power grab and the relationship of Magdalene as paramour of Christ was quashed thereThe Nicean Council of the 4th Century was the context for Constantine’s power grab and the relationship of Magdalene as paramour of Christ was quashed there

13 13 The “truth” about Christ and Mary Magdalene has been kept alive by a secret society named the Priory of Sion that was lead by great minds like Da VinciThe “truth” about Christ and Mary Magdalene has been kept alive by a secret society named the Priory of Sion that was lead by great minds like Da Vinci

14 14 “In the end, Dan Brown has penned a poorly written, atrociously researched mess. So, why bother with such a close reading of a worthless novel? The answer is simple: The Da Vinci Code takes esoterica mainstream.” (Sandra Miesel, “Dismantling The Da Vinci Code,” His research is impeccable. --The New York Daily News

15 15 Mary Magdalene: The Truth Woman of great faithWoman of great faith Her unassuming, humble service honors herHer unassuming, humble service honors her She continues to be an example all disciples can learn from & follow todayShe continues to be an example all disciples can learn from & follow today

16 16 Jude 9 What does it mean in Jude 9, when it says Satan argued with Michael over the body of Moses?

17 17 Jude 9 Contend for the faith against false teachers, Jude 3-4, 5-7Contend for the faith against false teachers, Jude 3-4, 5-7 Warns of “dreamers”, Jude 8Warns of “dreamers”, Jude 8 Defile the flesh (sensual), 2 Pet. 2:10Defile the flesh (sensual), 2 Pet. 2:10 Reject authority (prideful), Prov. 16:18Reject authority (prideful), Prov. 16:18 Speak evil of dignitaries (blasphemers), Jude 10Speak evil of dignitaries (blasphemers), Jude 10

18 18 Jude 9 Unlike Michael, who gave place to the Lord’s rebuke of the devil…Unlike Michael, who gave place to the Lord’s rebuke of the devil… These false teachers rush to argue & contend when they should sit down & keep their mouths shut! Jude 10These false teachers rush to argue & contend when they should sit down & keep their mouths shut! Jude 10

19 19 Jude 9 Dispute about body of Moses, Deut. 34:6Dispute about body of Moses, Deut. 34:6 Burial? Resurrection?Burial? Resurrection? Assumption to say this is a reference to the Assumption of MosesAssumption to say this is a reference to the Assumption of Moses Don’t be prideful, presumptuous & self- willed…respect authority…give place to God’s judgments, Rom. 12:19-21Don’t be prideful, presumptuous & self- willed…respect authority…give place to God’s judgments, Rom. 12:19-21

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