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Going Green Third Party Certification and Credible Logos Dana Katz Senior Associate, Scientific Certification Systems Presented to: PRINT 09 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Going Green Third Party Certification and Credible Logos Dana Katz Senior Associate, Scientific Certification Systems Presented to: PRINT 09 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Green Third Party Certification and Credible Logos Dana Katz Senior Associate, Scientific Certification Systems Presented to: PRINT 09 September 14, 2009

2 Green Certification – Instantly! AC Certificate issued from

3  Provides global leadership in third-party environmental and sustainability certification, auditing, testing and standards development  25 years of experience  Programs span a wide cross- section of industries and recognize achievements in green building, product manufacturing, forestry, retail, agricultural production, fisheries, and energy.  150+ staff, auditors and affiliates worldwide Scientific Certification Systems A few of our clients

4 Sample of Programs Offered

5 What are “Green” Claims?  Public or private assertion/claim incorporating some sort of environmental (and, more recently, social) attribute  Rapidly becoming ubiquitous, almost literally involving every sector of business-to- business and retail commerce  Can you name some “green claims” you have seen lately?

6 Meaningful “Green” Terms  Recycled content  Readily biodegradable  Low VOCs  Energy efficient  Water efficient  Sourced from well-managed forests  Organic

7 What about Sustainable?  Forestry, tourism, agriculture, development…

8 Bottom Line:  What is the claim really saying?  What are the limits of the claim?  i.e. carbon neutral  Is the claim meaningful?  i.e. no CFCs  Is the claim verified?

9 How Can I Promote My Business’ Environmental Story with Third Party Claims?

10 Credible Environmental Claims are:  Factual – basis for the claim is transparent (standards-based or science-based)  Significant – real environmental benefits that are substantial, without hidden tradeoffs  Progressive – encourages continuous improvement  Independently verified…

11 Third-Party Certification Provides:  Measurable environmental and social benefits  Opportunities for improvement toward greater sustainability  Independent review to guide truthful advertising  Strengthened corporate reputation and brand value  Greatest market credibility  Some examples…

12 Chain of Custody Certification Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)  Voluntary, internationally recognized forest management standards  Developed by consensus, multi-stakeholder process  Supports biodiversity, protects high conservation value forests, provides for human benefits, ensures long-term timber supplies  Certificates holders must be audited annually  Certification bodies must be accredited and audited annually

13 Chain of Custody Certification Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)  Fiber Sourcing Label less meaningful- includes non-certified content  Forest Management standard not as strict on forest conversion and high conservation value forests  Certificates holders must be audited annually  Certification bodies must be accredited and audited annually

14 Carbon Footprint  Voluntary (for now)  NOT a product claim- not a logo for use on a printed product  Any company can do it  Standard sets the organizational boundary  Track purchased electricity, company vehicle use, etc. to determine the amount of CO2 produced by your facility on a yearly basis.  Can choose to buy offsets, plan yearly reductions or stability

15 What Lies Ahead for Green Claims and Environmental Certification?

16 Considering the Full Life-Cycle and Addressing Tradeoffs Image Source: BSR, Food and Agriculture Industry Trends Report, October 2007  Environmental impacts from entire chain of custody — producers, distributors, importers, brokers, retailers  Social responsibility  Packaging  Energy use in production, packaging, processing, and transport  Carbon footprint  Product quality and safety

17 Questions?

18 Contact SCS  Forestry, FSC and Chain-of Custody Dana Katz,  Carbon Offsets Dr. Robert J. Hrubes, 510.452.8007  Media Rebecca Graham,

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