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International placement opportunities for undergraduate students to enhance employability. Corinna Klaentschi Faculty Placement Development Officer York.

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Presentation on theme: "International placement opportunities for undergraduate students to enhance employability. Corinna Klaentschi Faculty Placement Development Officer York."— Presentation transcript:

1 International placement opportunities for undergraduate students to enhance employability. Corinna Klaentschi Faculty Placement Development Officer York St John University

2 What is a placement? Learning that is achieved during a period of time outside the institution. Learning outcomes are integral to programme. Learning period is supported by the institution throughout the placement experience. Placements can be from 3 to 12 weeks.

3 Benefits of an international placement Personal and professional developmentrequires self-directed learning and autonomy Personal values and beliefschallenges personal beliefs, values and norms enhancing awareness of how you perceive others Global Citizenencourages cultural consciousness, cultural knowledge and cultural sensitivity. Communication skillsdevelops communication skills including observation skills Creativity and innovationdevelops creative problem solving skills and innovative thinking Flexibility and adaptabilityrequires navigating new systems and approaches Project management skillsmanaging time and budgets before and during placement

4 What health students say  experience played a pivotal role in gaining employment.  skills gained are equally relevant and transferable to the UK.  being more culturally aware is being equipped to work in multicultural UK.  increased independence and confidence to search for diverse employment opportunities.  could have gained similar skills in the UK but would not have had the chance of a life time.

5 How is quality ensured in existing international placements?  Partnership with reputable UK third sector providers  Memorandum of Understanding with Universities  Follow QAA guidelines  Follow guidelines set by professional bodies  Visit the placements when possible

6 What is in the agreement plan?  Placement capacity  Length of placement  Learning opportunities  Supervision  Assessment –if required  Accommodation  Health and safety  Communication channels

7 Support for the placement provider  On-going communication  “tutorials” via internet  Commitment for tutor to visit at least once to support student /supervisor, teach and share general good practice  Aim for placement provider staff to visit YSJU where possible

8 Support for health students Opportunities to meet up with former students Opportunities to meet up with YSJ staff Pre- placement training Suggested reading lists/video links On-going communication throughout placement Potential half way visit from visiting tutor Placement review

9 Transferring the model to non professional placements SIMILARITIES  All degrees have placements  All students benefit in similar ways  Financial issues CHALLENGES  Length of placement  Culture of placements  Learning requirements

10 Curriculum development project  Awarded a Learning and Teaching grant  Interviewed and selected 3 students  Identified 3 staff members  Arranged and funded visit to Bangladesh  Pre and post focus groups with the team  Information portfolio produced for future students

11 Student researcher and Erasmus project  Student researcher explored possible European placement opportunities  Applied pedagogical approach to international placement learning opportunities  Awarded Erasmus grant  Volunteering in Bulgaria for 12 weeks whilst following up options  Will develop information portfolio for future students

12 Challenges for the students  Length of placement  Timing of placement  Importance/weighting of placement  Health orientated options  Being the first!

13 Benefits for the students and staff  Confidence in quality of placement  Preparation and support  Increased autonomy  Widen learning opportunities  Something different!

14 What the students say  Improved cultural awareness  Broadened horizons  Developed a global outlook  More flexible and adaptable  Improved problem solving skills  More Independent  Matured  “Best thing I ever did”  “Amazing”  “I have made friends for life”

15 Benefits for York St John  Attracts dynamic students  Internationalising curriculum  Innovative curriculum projects  Opportunities for staff mobility  Publications and grants  Mutual shared learning  External partnerships

16 Sustainability and the future Investment in time creates quality placements which students thrive on and providers benefit from. Happy providers ask for more students and let other providers know of the benefits Happy and successful students gain employment and spread the word about opportunities at YSJU

17 Thank you for listening! Corinna Klaentschi 01904 876817

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