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D EEMED M EASURE U PDATES June 1, 2011 Regional Technical Forum Presented by: Bob Tingleff SBW Consulting, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "D EEMED M EASURE U PDATES June 1, 2011 Regional Technical Forum Presented by: Bob Tingleff SBW Consulting, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 D EEMED M EASURE U PDATES June 1, 2011 Regional Technical Forum Presented by: Bob Tingleff SBW Consulting, Inc.

2 Measures updated 1. Residential CFLs 2. Residential showerheads 5/3/2011

3 Residential CFLs Based savings on study by KEMA of 2006-08 California programs  Different room types than current measures  Lower overall hours of operation (2.3 -> 1.9 average hours/day)  Lower baseline watts per bulb (71 -> 61 W average) for 2011 results in lower delta watts per bulb (52 -> 44 W average) 5/3/2011

4 Residential CFLs Converted retail measures into one overall average measure  Eliminated by-room measures – information not available Eliminated “Complete dwelling unit” measure (These recommendations were not noted previously) 5/3/2011

5 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 Today’s Standard Lamps (Baseline)EISA Effective Dates EISA’s Intended Replacement Lamps (New Baseline) 40 W incandescent(approx. 490 lumens)201429 W (310-749 lumens) 60 W incandescent(approx. 840 lumens)201443 W (750 – 1049) 75 W incandescent(approx. 1,190 lumens)201353 W (1050 – 1489) 100 W incandescent(approx. 1,690 lumens)201272 W (1490 – 2,600) 5/3/2011

6 Baseline Watts – market share 5/3/2011



9 Residential CFLs Accounted for Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) by adjusting the baseline for 2012 and 2013  Proposing single set of measures through 2013, using an average baseline for 2011, 2012, 2013  For the 2012 period, incandescent baseline is adjusted by replacing 85W – 150W with 72W (intended EISA replacement) Bulbs in this 100W range account for 12% of baseline  For the 2013 period, baseline is adjusted by replacing 70W – 84W with 53W (intended EISA replacement) Bulbs in this 75W range account for 11% of the baseline 5/3/2011



12 Philips EcoVantage 72- Watt Household Halogen Light Bulbs (2- Pack) (E)* Model # 410480 Store SKU # 897808 Write the first review Reviews $3.17 /EA-Each

13 5/3/2011


15 Account for CFLs in the baseline for retail measure? Some CFLs are purchased to replace CFLs  However, a burned out CFL could still be replaced with an incandescent The average CFL lifespan is 6 years vs. 0.92 years for incandescents Would need research to really know how many CFL purchases are CFL replacements compared with “first-time” purchases 5/3/2011

16 Recommendations Leave CFLs out of the baseline Set status to Deemed Sunset criteria  Dec 31, 2013 5/3/2011

17 Proposed RTF Motion: “I_______ move the RTF Approve the residential compact fluorescent lighting measure for unit energy savings based on the proposed EISA phase in baseline wattage, adjusted hours of operation, and a sunset date of December 31, 2013.” 5/3/2011

18 Residential low-flow showerheads Did NOT add direct-install multi-family category  Fewer occupants per residence AND fewer showers per residence leads to similar showers per day per primary shower Collapsed retail measures into single measure  Eliminated primary vs. secondary shower distinction and electric vs. gas sub-measures  (This was not noted as a recommendation earlier) Changed low-flow shower length to be the same as baseline  Previous assumption was that low-flow showers were longer in duration  Review of studies does not support that conclusion Changed mail-by-request install rate from 60% to 76%  Average of earlier reported values of 93% (SCL), 59% (ETO), and 76% (2008 PSE survey of installation rates) 5/3/2011


20 Recommendations Set status to Deemed Sunset criteria  5 years  Review if Energy Star changes WaterSense definition (currently 2.0 gpm)  Review if code changes (WA currently 2.5 gpm)  Review on publication of any new low-flow shower study 5/3/2011

21 Proposed RTF Motion “I ______ move the RTF Approve the Residential Showerhead Measure for Unit Energy Savings status as proposed with a sunset of June 1, 2016 with interim review for any showerhead changes in national standards (Energy Star, WaterSense), state codes, or publication of new reliable reports on low flow showerhead measure performance or program impact evaluations.” 5/3/2011

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