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Patrick Cate Director of the Department of University Studies Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH NACADA Region 1 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick Cate Director of the Department of University Studies Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH NACADA Region 1 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick Cate Director of the Department of University Studies Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH NACADA Region 1 2012

2  History and overview of the model  Results  Q&A

3  Please get into groups of convenience  Finish this sentence: “The most frustrating part of working with an undeclared/undecided student is…”

4  59% vs. 78% 1 st to 2nd year retention rate  Lower average a half of a point.  Two times more likely to have a discipline actions  48% overall 1 st generation,  59% of undeclareds

5  Developmental advising  Cohort pilot model  “Living Learning”  Non-Faculty advisors  O’Banion’s model is the theoretical foundation  Mission:  The Mission of the College of University Studies is to assist deciding students with the resources and personal attention needed to select the most appropriate major and to plot a course of action leading to graduation by the most effective route possible.

6  Exploration of Life Goals  Exploration of Career/Educational Goals  Selection of Educational Programs  Selection of Courses  Scheduling of Classes O'Banion, T. (1972). An academic advising model. Junior College Journal, 42, 62-69.

7 Schedule Coursework Program Choice Exploration of Career/Educational Goals Exploration of Life Goals

8  The students who really needed us, were not participating.  Many students who were undeclared were not feeling any dissonance about it.  If they did come, they avoided real “work” and used the program to meet their immediate needs.  They would be honest towards the end of the year about how they “faked” tests and meetings.  I was the enabler! The Helicopter Advisor! I started to notice something.

9  Precontemplation  Not ready  Contemplation  Getting ready  Preparation  Ready  Action  Changing  Maintenance  Keeping up Prochaska, J. O., & DiClemente, C. C. (1983). Stages and processes of self- change of smoking: Toward an integrative model of change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 390-395.

10  Identity Diffusion – No identity crisis and no real decisions have been made.  Identity Foreclosure - No identity crisis and have accepted whatever has been told to them. “My mother is a doctor…”  Identity Moratorium – Currently in crisis and may avoid the decision out of sheer confusion.  Identity Achievement – Successful completion of a crisis. Identity established Marcia, J. E., (1966), Development and validation of ego identity status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3, pp. 551-558

11  This is the “behind the scenes” counseling concept.  All of the processes of change can be worked with using MI

12  “Motivational interviewing is a directive, client- centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence.” (Rollnick and Miller)

13  Counselor directive for intrinsic motivation.  Non-Confrontational  Is used with mandated counseling --- advising!

14  Express Empathy  Creates shared experience  Opens student advisor relationship  Support Self Efficacy  Hold student responsible for action or inaction  Help student feel in control  Roll with Resistance  Student challenges are not challenged but explored.  Student centered approach  Develop Discrepancy  Establish a difference between what is now and what should be.

15  Precontemplation  Deliberation  Action

16  Students are not ready to make a decision  Students are not sure of the purpose  May not be engaged in academic life  Make decisions based on short term desires  Ambivalence

17  Why does the student want a degree at all?  What do they hope will happen?  What do they feel in control of academically?  When do they think they need a major?  What information would they look to?

18  Students have a desire to have a major but really are not sure how to go about it  May have a few ideas about what they like to study  Still are challenged by the decision; avoid finality.  Many traditional methods work here..or upside down!

19  Top down or bottom up career decision methods.

20  Students have a solid sense of some majors or a single major and can explain rationally why.  Students want to be involved in the major and its people than with undeclared staff.  Students begin to effectively plan academic and career pathways. (Internships, study abroad, careers etc.)  May see a decrease in issues outside of academics

21  Who would be the best resource for the final decision…  What tailored opportunities are available?  What your new role may be

22  Eliciting change language  Relationship exists between language and action*.  When MI not appropriately applied, opposite affect.  Strength of commitment language *Adolescent change Language within a Brief Motivational Intervention and Substance Use Outcomes John S. Bear, et all. Psychol Addict Behav. 2008 December; 22(4): 570–575.

23  Lack of motivation  If you argue one side, the person will likely defend the other.  Resist this “righting” reflex.

24  Early evidence is very promising.  Maintained or improved program results after a 500% increase in student load.  90%+ 1 st to 2 nd year; pulled some from the “fire”  Average time to declaration reduced significantly from 1.5 semesters to 2.3 total meetings.  Higher GPAs (2.52 vs. 2.75)  Post grad direction (anecdotal)  Teachable

25  That’s fine – So what for you?  What is the number one problem I face as my students’ advisor?  What process or procedure needs the most revamping and why?  What do I teach?

26 “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” --- Pericles Patrick Cate Director of the Department of University Studies

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