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Community Service By: Elizabeth Vaughn. All the different ways…  There are many ways to participate in community service.  I acquired my required hours.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Service By: Elizabeth Vaughn. All the different ways…  There are many ways to participate in community service.  I acquired my required hours."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Service By: Elizabeth Vaughn

2 All the different ways…  There are many ways to participate in community service.  I acquired my required hours and more through the following events:  Relay For Life carwashes  Relay For Life  Goodwill  Soup Kitchen

3 Relay For Life…  The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.

4 Car Wash…  We had two car washes to benefit Relay for Life.  They were held at Sonny’s from 2 – 6 pm on Friday March 23 and 30.  Both of these car washes were big successes!

5 Car Wash…  The car wash was a different experience from the community service I had done before.  We were out in the hot sun, running around, and trying to get people to stop for the car wash.

6 Car Wash…  After I participated in the first car wash, I knew it was an experience I wanted to repeat.  It’s always great when you can have fun with friends and raise money for a good cause!

7 Car Wash…  Caught in the act!  We washed many cars that day…  Everyone was working hard!

8 Relay For Life…  VSU held a Relay For Life walk on the Front Lawn April 13 & 14. & 14.  Our tent had a tie- dye theme, and our activity was for people to tie-dye towels and washcloths.

9 Relay For Life…


11 Second Harvest Food Bank…  A group of the FYE students decided to go to Second Harvest and help out.  We had no idea what we were in for.  We thought we would be packing up food.  Instead we stuffed and sorted enveloped for about five hours.  The envelopes had to be put into boxes according to zip code.  It was definitely an experience.

12 Second Harvest Food Bank…  It was a blast getting to know the people at Second Harvest.  I had never been to a food distributor before, and after going there, it was definitely not what I had expected.  It was a great way to help out and receive community service hours, and I would definitely do it again!

13 Goodwill…  My friend Rita and I went to Goodwill and volunteered for a couple of hours.  This was another community service project where we did not know what we were in for until we arrived there.  Neither one of us had ever been to Goodwill, and I, at least, was mildly shocked at the amount of clothes.

14 Goodwill…  Rita and I were sent to the back of the building where we took stacks of clothes and hung them on metal racks.  We then rolled them to the front of the store and hung them up.  Finding the right place to put the clothing was a chore, but once we figured out the system, it was not too bad.  I definitely learned a lot about organization from volunteering at Goodwill!

15 In closing…  Community service is a great way to get to know others and learn about yourself.  I am really glad I have had the opportunity to participate in all of these community service events.  I learned a lot through helping others and getting the job done right.  Volunteering has really helped me grow as an individual, and a member of the community.

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