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Spelling Words 2.with 4.ship 5.then 6. rush 7. trash 8. shut 9. shell 10. thin.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling Words 2.with 4.ship 5.then 6. rush 7. trash 8. shut 9. shell 10. thin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spelling Words 2.with 4.ship 5.then 6. rush 7. trash 8. shut 9. shell 10. thin

3 A Big Fish for Max

4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

5 Street Rhymes! Saturday we do our shopping, We play on Sunday without stopping. Monday we prepare for school, Tuesday we swim at the pool. Wednesday we must do our chores, Thursday we play games outdoors. Friday is fun whatever the weather, Since our family is together.

6 What does a family do together?

7 Amazing Words chore household cooperation rule

8 Amazing Words household is your home and what you do there

9 Amazing Words chore is a small job

10 Amazing Words cooperation working together

11 Amazing Words rule tells something you must or must not do

12 Phonemic Awareness

13 Phonics Digraphs- sh th shutthatshed themmushcrush withshallpath shackthisthump

14 sh

15 shi p

16 o p

17 ell

18 r a sh

19 f i

20 sma sh

21 th

22 thi n

23 ick

24 a t

25 i s

26 ma

27 ba

28 cl o th

29 em

30 Phonics

31 High Frequency Words said went good catch no put

32 High Frequency Words


34 Text Based Comprehension Read “Annie Helps Out” Sequence the events of a story happen in a certain order


36 Daily Fix-It 1.i play with my saster 2.the dis is on the table

37 Conventions Common Nouns is a word that names a person, place, animal or thing



40 Day 2

41 Content Knowledge Read A City

42 What does a family do together?

43 Amazing Words chore household cooperation rule commute subway

44 Amazing Words commute to travel regularly between home and school

45 Amazing Words subway is a train that runs under the ground

46 Phonemic Awareness

47 Phonics Vowel Sound in ball: a al alltalkfall hallmaltstalk walktallmall halt smallsalt

48 all

49 ball

50 tall

51 all fall

52 small

53 wall

54 mall

55 Phonics

56 Review Consonant Digraphs-sh th shut than stump with dish that shipshopthin

57 Phonics Beth likes this shop. Can I eat the fish on your dish? That trick was a big shock to me!

58 High Frequency Words said went good catch no put

59 High Frequency Words


61 Text Based Comprehension Read A Big Fish for Max Focus on sequencing


63 Daily Fix-It 1.last week we walks to the bus stop 2.we sat in a buse wit Mom

64 Conventions Common Nouns A noun names a person, place, animal or thing.

65 Conventions 1.I see a map on the wall. 2.We live in a big city. 3.I don’t know that place. 4.I read a new book every week.

66 Day 3

67 Phonemic Awareness

68 Phonics Build a word hflawmclb

69 Fluent Word Reading mathhaltshelf freshthistalk thin

70 High Frequency Words said went good catch no put

71 High Frequency Words 1.Dad will toss a call for me to __________. 2.In A Big Fish for Max, _________ wants to get a fish to eat.

72 High Frequency Words 3. I have all the hats I ___________. 4. ________ walks to the fish shop with Max and Ruby. 5. I _________ on my new red dress.


74 Text Based Comprehension Reread A Fish for Max Focus-sequence


76 Daily Fix-It 1.max got a net 2.he did not get a fsh

77 Conventions Common Nouns personanimalthingplace

78 Conventions 1.We live in a big ______________. 2. There are huge _________ downtown. 3. I think riding on a __________ is more fun than the subway.

79 Day 4

80 Content Knowledge Read 100 th Day Worries

81 Amazing Words chore household cooperation rule commute subway downtown display

82 Amazing Words downtown is the place in a city where offices and stores are

83 Amazing Words display to put things in a place where people can see them

84 Phonemic Awareness Segment and Blend Words

85 Phonics Short u; final consonant blends truststampsulk duck deskbugblond short unot short u

86 Fluent Word Reading homemanyandbugsinto smallpondgotthem spot fiveGrantmepens hum hensbuzzlittleplant here


88 Text Based Comprehension Sequence the events of a story happen in a certain order


90 Daily Fix-It 1.ruby helps max fich bit

91 Conventions Common Nouns a person, place, animal or thing

92 Day 5

93 Phonics 1.Call me and we can talk. 2.Will you walk on this path with me? 3.That shop is in the mall. 4.The dog gets a bath with a thick brush.

94 Spelling Test


96 Weekly Reading Test


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