D IFFUSER S TATUS : MICO M EETING, 16 TH N OV. 2011 V. Blackmore.

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Presentation on theme: "D IFFUSER S TATUS : MICO M EETING, 16 TH N OV. 2011 V. Blackmore."— Presentation transcript:

1 D IFFUSER S TATUS : MICO M EETING, 16 TH N OV. 2011 V. Blackmore

2 T ESTING Brass irises opened/closed ~10k times without trouble. But tungsten... 2/5

3 T UNGSTEN P ETALS Complicated shape. Tungsten is hard.......and brittle. One thin tungsten petal broke at its weakest point after 8k actuations. Breaks easily. * * These are actually stainless steel, but the shape is still the same! 3/5

4 T HE S OLUTION : Brass is easy to machine and has proven it works. Do the fiddly bits in brass, not tungsten. Eliminates a weak point where the tungsten can break. Fasten tungsten to brass “backing plate”. So far so good. Ordered more (machinable!) tungsten Existing tungsten petal retrofitted onto a 2mm brass backing plate. 4/5

5 S TATUS 6/5

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