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Static charge is produced by electron transfer. Electricity: Two Types ________________: (or static charge) refers to electric charges that can be collected.

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Presentation on theme: "Static charge is produced by electron transfer. Electricity: Two Types ________________: (or static charge) refers to electric charges that can be collected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Static charge is produced by electron transfer

2 Electricity: Two Types ________________: (or static charge) refers to electric charges that can be collected and held in one place. ______________________: the continuous flow of charge

3 Small Review from Unit 2 All matter is made up of small particles called _______ The center or nucleus of an atom contains _______(no charge) and _______________(positive charge) The nucleus has a ______________charge _____________(negative charge) are around the positive nucleus Electrons are _____________ and can sometimes move between atomic orbitals Protons are larger and are found ____ the nucleus. They do not move

4 Charges on objects can change In a solid material, only the ___________ are able to move Solid materials are charged with the _________ of electrons The friction between two objects can result in one object ______ electrons and the other object _________ electrons ____________: if an object loses electrons (negative) it has more positive charge than negative so the object has an overall positive charge ____________: if an object gains electrons (negative) it has more negative charge than positive so the object has an overall negative charge __________: if an object has the same number of positive charges and negative charges.

5 Charges on objects can change Acetate and paper towel are both neutral, but rub them together and paper towel _____________(overall positive charge) and the acetate _____________(overall negative charge) Note: the number of charges drawn in the diagrams does not indicate the exact number of charges. They just represent the relative numbers. Acetate Paper Towel

6 An object can lose its charge Charged objects, either negative or positive, become neutral by ______________________a conductor to it. The conductor transfers any excess static charge to the conductor (evenly spread over the conductor) _____________: connecting a conductor so that electric charge flows into Earth’s surface. __________________: the removal of an electric charge from an object. Ex: Lightning, rubbing feet across carpet then touching a doorknob.

7 Static Electricity Activity

8 Demonstration The transfer and build up of charge

9 Unit of Measurement for electric charge _____________: the unit of electric charge. 1 coulomb of charge equals the addition or removal of 6.25 X 10 18 electrons. This is about the number of electrons that pass through a 100 W light bulb per second.

10 Static Electricity and Forces Force is defined as a _________________________ __________________: is a push or pull between charged objects The ________________is an example of an “_______________________________” – A force can be applied to an object without touching it

11 Laws of Electric Charges (Static Charge) ___________charges _________________ (push apart) __________charges ________________ (pull together)

12 Laws of Electric Charges… Some ____________ objects are attracted to charged objects Rub a balloon with your hair, the balloon will pick up electrons and become negatively charged. It will be attracted to the neutral wall

13 Static Knowledge and Technologies __________________________: removes electrons from particles in the air and the charged particles are then attracted to a plate on the device __________________________: Placed on top of a building and it protects the building from lightning If lightning occurs near the building the large amount of charge will pass through the lightning rod to the ground rather than the building.

14 Static Knowledge and Technologies __________________________: light hits paper and reflects off white part of the copier Reflected light hits drum and removes static charges in this area Neutral Toner goes over drum and sticks to charged area. Paper rolls over the drum and it has stronger attraction for the toner. Toner is now “baked” on the paper

15 Careers related to Electricity Photocopy Technician ____________________ Engineer

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