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Bible 101 Dean Biebert, Pastor Shepherd of the Hills Church.

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1 Bible 101 Dean Biebert, Pastor Shepherd of the Hills Church

2 Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

3 Last Time’s Homework: 1. Faith in Jesus… a. ___ makes us confident that we can triumph over every predicament by ourselves. b. ___ makes us confident God cares and listens to us and will help us get through life. c. ___ gives us access to God as long as we live good enough lives to deserve it. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

4 Last Time’s Homework: 1. Faith in Jesus… a. ___ makes us confident that we can triumph over every predicament by ourselves. b. ___ makes us confident that God cares and listens to us and will help us get through life. c. ___ gives us access to God as long as we live good enough lives to deserve it. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is too Far?

5 2. If we want God to hear our prayers, we should pray… a. ___ depending on His love and forgiveness, knowing Jesus earned us prayer-access to Him. b. ___ out loud, since God doesn’t hear our thoughts, just what we say to Him vocally. c. ___ for whatever we want, regardless of what the Bible says. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far

6 2. If we want God to hear our prayers, we should pray… a. ___ depending on His love and forgiveness, knowing Jesus earned us prayer-access to Him. b. ___ out loud, since God doesn’t hear our thoughts, just what we say to Him vocally. c. ___ for whatever we want, regardless of what the Bible says. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

7 3. We should pray to… a. ___ the only real God, the triune God, either the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. b. ___ either God or the saints. c. ___ God the Father, and only Him. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

8 3. We should pray to… a. ___ the only real God, the triune God, either the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. b. ___ either God or the saints. c. ___ God the Father, and only Him. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

9 4. When God answers our prayers… a. ___ we can always be sure the answer will be “Yes.” b. ___ He will answer them according to our timetable. c. ___ He always has our best interests in mind and answers in His own time and way. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

10 4. When God answers our prayers… a. ___ we can always be sure the answer will be “Yes.” b. ___ He will answer them according to our timetable. c. ___ He always has our best interests in mind and answers in His own time and way. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

11 5. Our physical posture when we pray… a. ___ doesn’t matter, either to us or to God. b. ___ must always be with folded hands, bowed head, and almost always kneeling. c. ___ should be whatever helps us the most concentrate on our balanced prayer agenda. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

12 5. Our physical posture when we pray… a. ___ doesn’t matter, either to us or to God. b. ___ must always be with folded hands, bowed head, and almost always kneeling. c. ___ should be whatever helps us the most concentrate on our balanced prayer agenda. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

13 6. The best prayers are … a. ___ long, with lots of technical Bible words, repeated over and over again for emphasis. b. ___ short, so we can get on with our life quickly. c. ___ in our own words, keeping in mind the four parts of good, balanced prayers. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

14 6. The best prayers are … a. ___ long and repeated over and over again for emphasis. b. ___ short, so we can get on with our life quickly. c. ___ in our own words, keeping in mind the four parts of good, balanced prayers. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

15 7. When we pray, we should pray for … a. ___ ourselves most of all and once in a while Christians we know and care about. b. ___ everybody except our enemies, once we finish praying for things we need personally. c. ___ forgiveness for specific sins, thanking God for particular blessings, keeping in mind people who need His help, followed by what’s on our minds, even if it’s minor. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

16 7. When we pray, we should pray for … a. ___ ourselves most of all and once in a while Christians we know and care about. b. ___ everybody except our enemies, once we finish praying for things we need personally. c. ___ forgiveness for specific sins, thanking God for particular blessings, keeping in mind people who need His help, followed by what’s on our minds, even if it’s minor. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

17 8. Christians want to link their prayers to … a. ___ Bible study, so we better understand God’s plans and learn to accept His decisions. b. ___ being good and doing good so we earn the right to speak with God. c. ___ fasting and physical pain that helps bring us closer to God. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

18 8. Christians want to link their prayers to … a. ___ Bible study, so we better understand God’s plans and learn to accept His decisions. b. ___ being good and doing good so we earn the right to speak with God. c. ___ fasting and physical pain that helps bring us closer to God. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

19 9. Praying “in Jesus’ name” means … a. ___ mentioning Jesus’ name at the end of every prayer. b. ___ asking God to remember Jesus’ importance, not our own importance. c. ___ reminding God we have earned the right to pray to Him the same way that Jesus did. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

20 9. Praying “in Jesus’ name” means … a. ___ mentioning Jesus’ name at the end of every prayer. b. ___ asking God to remember Jesus’ importance, not our own importance. c. ___ reminding God we have earned the right to pray to Him the same way that Jesus did. Last Time’s Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

21 Principles behind God’s rules for living : You may believe you are doing right, but the L ORD will judge your reasons. Proverbs 16:2 –Motives matter to God. If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned. James 4:17 –Not doing the right thing is as serious as doing the wrong thing. God’s rules for living show us our sin. Romans 3:20 –Jesus means more to us when God exposes our sin and keeps us from being in denial. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

22 The First Commandment: “Do not worship any god except Me.” God closely protects His ______ and His right to receive the _______ due Him. We give God the _______ when we ______ Him above everything else. We give God the _______ when we _____ Him above everything else. We give God the _______ when we ______ on Him above everything else. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

23 Define the terms: Idol –a counterfeit worship target Obvious counterfeit worship target –giving someone or something credit God deserves, including “non-1+1+1=1 gods” Covert counterfeit worship target –someone or something to whom I give a higher priority than God Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

24 The Second Commandment: “Do not misuse My Name.” God gets a bad reputation (name) when we: –_______ = asking God to damn –_______ = calling on God to witness our honesty –________ = pretending to be better than we are, or giving wrong/false information about God –____________ = relying on information God lovingly withholds from us We give God the right kind of reputation when we_____, ______ and ___________ to Him. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

25 The Third Commandment: “Remember to treat the Sabbath day special.” God explains that the Old Testament Sabbath law was a worship rule only for Jews until Jesus came. God designed a day for physical ____ and spiritual ________________. The day God selected was __________. Sabbath literally means “____.” Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

26 The Third Commandment for us today One day is no more special to God than another. Jesus is the flesh-and-blood rest for people’s greatest burdens. He brings ______________________. God wants us to set aside time for Him. God wants us to ______ the Bible on our own. It’ll help us be more aware and appreciative of what God’s done. God wants us to get together with other people to study the Bible. This is a way we _______ each other. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

27 The Fourth Commandment - God’s Representatives God wants us to respect and be loving to His __________, specifically in the _____, ___________, and in _____. God uses this commandment to protect the _________ of His representatives. He uses them to help us. The only time we may disobey God’s authority figures is when they tell us to do something _________ is _______. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

28 The Fifth Commandment – God’s Gift of Life God gives each person time to ____ Him. We call this our “time of ______.” Only the _______has the right to ____ human life. This include abortion, suicide, and euthanasia. In some circumstances God gives the right to end life to the ____________. Other examples of killing that are not murder : _________________________________ God’s directives include demanding we _____ ___ everyone, even enemies. That means ______ them out when they’re in trouble. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is too Far?

29 The Sixth Commandment - God’s Gift of Sex in Marriage Marriage is the ______ merger of one ____ and one _____. ____ designed this arrangement in the Garden of Eden. God blesses us in marriage with _______ ______________. God blesses us in marriage with the valuable asset of ________. God blesses us in marriage with the gift of _____ ____ ______. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is too Far?

30 The Sixth Commandment - Keep Your Marriage Promise God forbids divorce, except in the case of _________ or malicious __________. God uses this commandment to protect His sacred gift of ____ in _________. He forbids ___________________________, _____________, __________, or any thing else that degrades marriage. _____________, __________, or any thing else that degrades marriage. adultery = fornication (living together) = Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

31 The Seventh Commandment “Never steal.” - God’s Gift of Possessions All the stuff we have belongs to God. He allows us to______ His resources for awhile. God forbids ______, ________, or ______________. He demands _______________, ________________, and investment in people are ____. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

32 The Eighth Commandment “Do Not Tell Lies About Others.” - God’s Gift of a Good Reputation God uses this commandment to protect people’s reputations. He forbidding ____ and ______. He demands we speak up for the ____ to help out the ________. God wants us to use church family interventions to ______ people who stray from God. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

33 Stages for “church family interventions” 1. Reach out to the person one-on-one. 2. Involve 1 or 2 others the person trusts. 3. Involve the whole church family in the intervention. 4. Inform the person that stubbornness means forever without God (excommunication). God tells us to take each stage PATIENTLY, SLOWLY, and REPEATEDLY. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

34 The Ninth and Tenth Commandments – Contentment God forbids us to crave what other people have. He is dealing with _______________. God has chosen not to give us that lifestyle or person. These destructive urges start in our _____. They poison our plans for life. Our malice will leak out in our __________ and _______. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

35 A Bipolar Mess A Christian has two totally opposite personalities. We have selfish urges and instincts. One name the Bible gives this part that we were born with is our “______.” When the Holy Spirit made us part of God’s family of believers, He gave us Jesus’ personality. The Bible calls this our “______.” Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

36 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Romans 3:23,24 Romans 4:4,5 1. Our clean record comes courtesy of our Judge. He finds sinners _________ even though we cannot present a defense. Jesus answered for our crimes. “not guilty” Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

37 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far? Romans 6:11-14 2. God sees no sins on our record to prosecute and punish. This great news is God’s way of inspiring Christian living with no selfish motives. The Holy Spirit makes us want to respond in some way.

38 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Romans 5:1 Romans 7:18-25 3. We cannot improve on or add to the perfect record Jesus earned us. Our Christian lifestyle is always something we can improve on in this life. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

39 Why do Christians want to improve their Christian lifestyle? 1 Corinthians 10:31 1. __________ gets the honor and credit for our lives. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far? God

40 Why do Christians want to improve their Christian lifestyle? Psalm 1:1-3 2. __________ get side benefits – blessings from God in our lives. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far? We

41 Why do Christians want to improve their Christian lifestyle? Galatians 6:2 3. _____________ get help they really need. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far? Other Christians

42 Why do Christians want to improve their Christian lifestyle? Matthew 5:16 4. _____________ get an attraction to Jesus by watching our lifestyles. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far? Outsiders

43 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Old Self We hear about our clean record The Holy Spirit help us depend on this news. Christian living starts Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

44 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Old Self Our Clean Record New Appreciation for God’s goodness Christian priorities take over New Self My old self is full of selfish urges and instincts. I can’t fix myself. I get frustrated. My new self is full of Jesus’ personality. I think of how to please God and serve people. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

45 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living Old Self Our Clean Record New Appreciation for God’s goodness Christian priorities take over New Self My old self is full of selfish urges and instincts. I can’t fix myself. I get frustrated. My new self is full of Jesus’ personality. I think of how to please God and serve people. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

46 Our Clean Record from God inspires Christian Living IMPORTANT NOTE: to avoid misunderstanding, remember that an “immature” Christian is still a Christian. By depending on Jesus we get to keep our clean record. Also note that Christian living begins as soon as the Holy Spirit helps me depend on the clean record Jesus earned me. The path from “immature” to “mature” Christians is seldom smooth or without frequent setbacks. So often in this life it’s one step forward, and two steps back. These diagrams show that God wants us to grow as Christians. With the Holy Spirit’s help, that’s what we want too. Our clean record will show as we work to clean up our lives. The Holy Spirit keeps us interested in new ways to live for Jesus. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

47 How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus 1 Peter 2:2 1 Corinthians 11:25 1. He urges regular use of His ______ and ___________ for spiritual food. Word sacraments Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

48 How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus Hebrews 10:24,25 2. He urges us to __________ regularly with other Christians in our church family for shared support. get together Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

49 How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus 1 Thessalonians 5:17 3. He urges us to ______ often for God’s help to do better at living for Jesus. pray Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

50 How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus How God Helps Christians Live More like Jesus 1 John 1:8,9 4. He urges _______________ every day. Out with the _____________________. In with the breath of fresh air that _______________ brings. spiritual breathing selfish urges and instincts Jesus’ forgiveness Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

51 Homework:Homework: 1. People who depend on Jesus are not losers. They never have to take responsibility for their sins because… a. ___ God loves people too much to damn anyone, no matter what. b. ___ the victory of Christ over sin has been credited to them as a free gift. c. ___ they do enough good deeds to make up for their sins. Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

52 2. The work of Jesus as our Substitute and Sin-carrier… a. ___ gives us the chance to win eternal life by following His example. b. ___ is signed, sealed and delivered to us. We get it as we personally depend on Him. c. ___ will be finished only when He returns to earth on the Last Day. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

53 3. Even though we are part of God’s family of believers, we still sin because… a. ___ our first urge and instinct (our “old self”) is to defy God. b. ___ we know God forgives us. That must mean He no longer hates sin as He did before. c. ___ God’s high standards no longer apply to us. There’s no reason to try to do the right thing. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

54 4. Depending on Jesus as my personal Liberator from sin is… a. ___ something we have to do at some time in our lives, and then we can forget about it. b. ___ important if we want God’s forgiveness, but not as important as obeying God. c. ___ something that’s always on our agenda. We don’t want to lose our grip on what Jesus did for us. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

55 5. When we talk about Christian living, we mean… a. ___ God has made us holy, and us never sin any more. b. ___ we do better than most people, so we qualify for heaven. c. ___ God has given us a special reason for living, to pay tribute to Him for rescuing us. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

56 6. When we call Jesus our “Lord,” we mean that He… a. ___ controls and rules our hearts and lives through His Word, the Bible. b. ___ is more powerful than we are; so we have reason to be afraid of Him. c. ___ gives us clear commands that we must obey to have eternal life. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

57 7. Our strength to say “no” to sin comes from… a. ___ our commitment to do the best we can to do what God says. b. ___ Jesus. The Spirit uses His supernatural strength from the Bible to help us battle our inner demons. c. ___ strong will-power and positive thinking that help us rise above every temptation. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

58 8. Christian living is important because it… a. ___ gives us the right to heaven as good people. b. ___ pays tribute to God, includes side benefits for us, and brings blessings to other people. c. ___ shows that people should respect and honor us for being good and doing good. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

59 The written material for the next lesson is pretty lengthy. Please be sure and read through it before we get together next time. Homework:Homework: Lesson Eleven: How Far Is Too Far?

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