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Wellness & Safety Review Game GOOD LUCK ON THE FIRST TEST.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness & Safety Review Game GOOD LUCK ON THE FIRST TEST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness & Safety Review Game GOOD LUCK ON THE FIRST TEST

2 1. The top range of health status is known as? Health Wellness Both

3 Wellness

4 2. Sleeps enough to function well Physical Mental- Emotional Social

5 Physical

6 3. Feels that their life has meaning Physical Mental- Emotional Social

7 Mental-Emotional

8 4. Takes measures to prevent Lifestyle Diseases Physical Mental- Emotional Social

9 Physical

10 5. Being able to handle set backs Physical Mental- Emotional Social

11 Mental- emotional

12 6. Develops friendships Physical Mental- Emotional Social


14 7. Is aware that accidents are real Physical Mental- Emotional Social

15 Physical

16 8. Diseases that can be spread from person to person- communicable Lifestyle Infectious

17 Infectious Diseases

18 9. The sum of the positive and negative influences in your life is called? Life Expectancy Chronological Age Health Status FITT Formula

19 Health Status

20 10. Age estimated from your body's health. Life Expectancy Chronological Age Health Status Physiological Age


22 11. This includes a physical & mental well being and the way you respond to your environment Life Expectancy Chronological Age Quality of Life Physiological Age

23 Quality of Life

24 12. The average Young adults/teenagers need _______ hours of sleep a night? 6-7 8-10 11-12

25 8-10

26 13. Deep sleep when dreams occur is called your ___ sleep REM NREM

27 REM

28 14. Sleep disorder when people fall asleep suddenly is called? Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea Restless Leg Syndrome

29 Narcolepsy

30 15. Sleep disorder where the tongue relaxes causing breathing difficulties? Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea Restless Leg Syndrome

31 Sleep Apnea

32 16. What is the formula for your max heart rate? 118- age 221-age 220x age 220- age


34 17. Your target heart rate is __% __% of your max heart rate 60-80 65-80 70-80 65-85


36 18. You should be eating __to __ small meals a day? 2-3 5-6 6-10 none of the above

37 5-6

38 19. Your individual needs depend on? age genetics activity level specific conditions all of the above

39 All of the above

40 20. The force that moves people to act is called_____ Motivation Chronological Age Health Status FITT Formula

41 motivation

42 21. Natural motivation is defined by? Drives Instincts Both of these


44 22. A long term decision made( a promise kept) Motivation commitment Intrinsic Extrinsic

45 commitment

46 23. The advertisement appeal most often used is _________ appeal Sex Bandwagon testimonial False image

47 Sex appeal

48 24. Appeal that uses famous people/athletes is called? Sex Bandwagon testimonial False image

49 Testimonial

50 25. This appeal is supported by a dr, dentist, dermatologist etc. Sex Scientific Evidence testimonial False image

51 Scientific Evidence

52 26. Leading cause of ACCIDENTAL deaths ALL ages Vehicle accidents Accidents Falls Drowning

53 Vehicle accidents

54 27. Leading cause of death ages 15-24 accidental or on purpose Homicide Accidents Falls Drowning

55 Accidents

56 28. 3 rd leading cause of ACCIDENTAL death ALL AGES Homicide Accidents Falls Burns


58 29. The leading cause of death in teens? Vehicle Accidents Accidents Falls Burns

59 Vehicle Accidents

60 30. Second leading cause of death in teens Vehicle Accidents Drowning Falls Burns

61 Drowning

62 31. Leading cause of death ALL AGES accidental or on purpose Vehicle accidents Stroke Cancer Heart Disease


64 32. 2 nd leading cause of death ALL AGES accidental or on purpose Suicide Stroke Cancer Heart Disease

65 Cancer

66 33.A normal BMI is _____to ____ Below 18.5 18.5- 24.9 25.0-29.9 Over 30

67 18.5-24.9

68 34.Overweight is considered ___to ___ Below 18.5 18.5- 24.9 25.0-29.9 Over 30

69 25.0-29.9

70 35. This appeal uses a spokes person/famous person Sex False Image Scientific Testimonial


72 36. This appeal plays on your emotions Glittering Generality False Image Scientific Testimonial

73 Glittering generality

74 37. This appeal makes you think EVERYONE is doing it Glittering Generality False Image Bandwagon Testimonial

75 Bandwagon

76 38. A physical attack or threat of an attack is called________ Homicide Sexual Harassment Fighting Rape Assault

77 assault

78 39. Intentional psychological, emotional, or physical harassment is called______ Homicide Bullying Fighting Rape Assault

79 Bullying

80 40.____% of all victims know their offender. 65 72 70 75

81 75%

82 41.The most common type of rape is known as ________. Date Rape Acquaintance Rape Street Rape BOTH Date & Acquaintance

83 Both Date & Acquaintance

84 42. ______ is the fastest growing type of crime in the US Bullying Homicide Assault Fighting Suicide Sexual Assault Rape


86 43.Type of violence that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, & other verbal or physical conduct. Bullying Homicide Assault Fighting Suicide Sexual Assault Rape

87 Sexual assault

88 44. Abuse used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Bullying Homicide Assault Fighting Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Rape

89 Domestic violence

90 45. Intentional psychological, emotional, cyber or physical harassment of one person or by a group. Bullying Homicide Assault Fighting Suicide Sexual Assault Rape

91 Bullying

92 46. _______ homicide is the death of a person as a result of an accident while doing any lawful act, without criminal negligence or any unlawful intent. Excusable Justifiable Murder Manslaughter

93 Excusable

94 47. ____ is the death of a person as a result of neglect, abuse or recklessness Excusable Justifiable Murder Manslaughter


96 48. ____Homicide is the death of a person as a result of the intention to kill or do serious bodily injury under circumstances that the law holds sufficient to pardon the person who commits it. Excusable Justifiable Murder Manslaughter

97 Justifiable

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