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Cover Arizona Assessment 2015 Kim VanPelt St. Luke’s Health Initiatives.

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1 Cover Arizona Assessment 2015 Kim VanPelt St. Luke’s Health Initiatives

2 Arizona Marketplace Enrollment (through 2-22-15) 205,666 individuals with plan selections 76 percent received financial assistance (87 percent nationally)* 54 percent received a cost-sharing reduction (60 percent nationally) 49,814 deemed eligible for Medicaid *Nationally refers to the 37 states with a platform

3 Demographics of Marketplace Enrollees Nearly one-quarter of Arizona Marketplace enrollees were children (23 percent, compared to 8 percent nationally) 23 percent of enrollees were young (age 18-34) adults (compared to 28 percent nationally)

4 Auto-Enrollment versus Active Selection 33 percent of re-enrollees switched plans (compared to 29 percent nationally)

5 Average Monthly Premium and Average Tax Credit $278 Average Monthly Premium ($364 Nationally) $155 Average Monthly Tax Credit ( $263 Nationally) $123 Average Monthly Premium After Tax Credit ($101 Nationally)

6 Medicaid Enrollment (as of March 1, 2015) Since January 2014, 211,286 have been added to the “restoration” category of coverage 42,009 have been added to the “expansion” category of coverage In total, 253,295 have benefitted from Medicaid restoration/expansion Enrollment in the restoration category has been flat in recent months, perhaps due to renewals

7 Event Summary Over 110 Enrollment Events Statewide

8 Connector Results Approximately 6,000 appointments scheduled in the Get Covered Connector Most appointments were within 3 miles of someone’s home. Saturday at 10 am was the most popular appointment time.

9 2-1-1, Website Results 346 Calls to 2-1-1, with 192 Connector appointments scheduled 60,000 visits to the Cover Arizona Website, including 23,000 unique visitors Health insurance literacy items were frequently visited

10 Assister Survey Survey Monkey questionnaire sent to known CAC’s, navigators, IPAs 71 respondents Completed over three weeks (last two weeks of February, early March) Results may not be representative of the entire assister community Navigators and CACs responded; no IPA responses

11 Prior to this enrollment period, did you have any experience assisting consumers to apply for health insurance (public or private)?

12 Do you feel you received an adequate amount of training?

13 How much training did you receive to assist with the Health Insurance Marketplace?

14 How well did training prepare you in the following areas? Top Ratings: Protecting consumer information and confidentiality (4.61) Explaining special enrollment periods (4.26) Determining consumer eligibility for AHCCCS or the Health Insurance Marketplace (4.23)

15 How well did training prepare you in the following areas? Lowest Ratings: Assisting consumers whose plans were cancelled (3.35) Solving “looper” problems (3.17) Troubleshooting application errors (3.10)

16 Top sources for training and information Navigator/CAC/IPA Led Training (81.7 percent) CMS Webinars (53.5 percent) AACHC Webinars or Conference Calls (43.7 percent) CMS Website (35.2 percent) Cover Arizona webinars (31 percent) CMS Conference Calls (26.8 percent)

17 Do you feel you had someone to whom you could ask questions and get answers regarding enrollment issues?

18 When providing application assistance, which “door” did you send consumers through first?

19 In the last month, did you experience glitches in

20 Were you trained to do AHCCCS applications in

21 Comments Identity verification a problem Explaining plans continues to be a challenge Health literacy is a challenge Training for scenarios would be helpful. More practice needed. Networking among assisters very helpful AHCCCS renewal notices problematic

22 Comments Account usernames and passwords, emails problematic Looping problems for immigrants Slow system, system crashes

23 Populations labeled as “very difficult” or “difficult” in providing application assistance Immigrants (51.6 percent) Loopers (50.8 percent) Individuals who spoke another language (45.8 percent)

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