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Wellness & Recovery Presented by Sharon Kuehn, Wellness Recovery Educators Debra Brasher, CPRP, Inspired at Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness & Recovery Presented by Sharon Kuehn, Wellness Recovery Educators Debra Brasher, CPRP, Inspired at Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness & Recovery Presented by Sharon Kuehn, Wellness Recovery Educators Debra Brasher, CPRP, Inspired at Work

2 Defining Recovery… Personal – unique to each individual Broad – to encourage all possibilities Encompassing a range of ideas: Wellness Discovery Resiliency Personal Mastery

3 Presentation Overview Core Elements of Wellness and Recovery The Social Context

4 Core Elements of Wellness & Recovery: Hope Respect Empowerment Meaningful Roles Personal Responsibility Spirituality

5 Hope There is hope! Hope is the spark; it is belief in the possibility that things can get better. We need our supporters and health care professionals to encourage us to believe in our abilities, and to recognize and acknowledge our strengths and dreams! How do you share hope?

6 The providers’ job is to create an invitation for each person to step forward into wellness and recovery. The “AS IF…” Approach Treat each person as if they are on the path to complete recovery. Open the door– a continuing invitation to life!

7 Attitude An attitude of respect and positive expectation paves the way of recovery. It’s gotta be there or it doesn’t happen…

8 Empowerment: Lessons from Self-Help Providers… Self-care: care providers demonstrate a nurturing lifestyle and mutual support Affirm Strengths: focus on possibilities rather than disability Choice: allow the risk of learning through experience and self-determination See the whole person: body, mind, spirit. validate uniqueness, life experience and spiritual development

9 Values & Ethics for Using WRAP As a facilitator you must: honor the participants. accept them as they are and as unique, special individuals, remind them that there are "no-limits" to anyone's recovery. give them a sense hope. validate their experiences. treat them with dignity, compassion, respect and unconditional high regard. give each person choices and options, not final answers. support the concept that each person is the expert on themselves.

10 Meaningful Roles Finding purpose Meaningful roles – student, worker, husband, wife, mother, etc. Our core gifts help us move beyond limits of disability and disorder, poverty and stigma

11 Personal Responsibility …is the understanding that: "It's up to me!" When our perspective changes from "reaching out to be saved" to one in which we work to heal ourselves and our relationships, the pace of recovery increases dramatically. We need support from others as we take increasing personal responsibility for our own wellness and for our own lives.

12 Spirituality  Recognized by many persons in recovery as a tremendous source of strength, hope and energy  An area of discomfort for some providers

13 Social Context of Wellness & Recovery Recovery Relationships Human Rights Healing Culture Designing Recovery- oriented services

14 Recovery Relationships Recovery does not happen in a vacuum — relationships, external resources and environments play strong roles… Recovery Relationships Research by Pat Deegan, Ph.D. & Dan Fisher, Ph.D., M.D., 1998

15 Human Rights Moving beyond Stigma to Community Inclusion Voluntary Treatment: Protecting the right to choose

16 Healing Culture We are seen, heard, and valued… Positive expectation balanced with acceptance Mutual support: our contributions are recognized In Self-Help groups, every member is a potential helper. How can we create that opportunity in traditional settings?

17 Recovery-Oriented Services Critical Components Inclusion of Consumers as mentors and consumer-providers Recovery Values Availability of Wellness/Recovery Tools Exiting the system

18 Consumers as Providers Recovery works best when the teacher is a mirror! Mentors provide a picture of Recovery-in-Action: model next steps for people beginning the journey Employing consumers at all levels demonstrates a program’s belief in and commitment to Recovery Wellness exists on a continuum…consumers, providers and consumer/providers: each on our own path to wellness and recovery!

19 Recovery Values in Action Provider as “Coach” This involves partnership and mentoring, allowing room for clients to discover their interests and gifts. The providers’ role is to walk alongside, offering tools and resource options, to help each individual recognize and realize their unique personal goals…

20 Wellness/Recovery Tools… WRAP adapts to individual and program needs… Simple, yet powerful: a structure that is useful to most individuals Flexibility that adapts to different cultural and lifestyle needs Supports all positive growth and change: Education Employment Independent Living Community Integration Personal Mastery

21 Exit Strategies The message: You can recover! Safety Net Services: access to intermittent and temporary support services. Assist people to develop natural supports. This new approach does not contribute to the creation of dependency and self- stigma, but instead encourages each individual to recognize their gifts and actualize their dreams.

22 Wellness and Recovery Healing is a natural process… Grounded in resiliency — complex dynamic internal and external processes that enable people to express their innate strengths, self- righting capacities, and hardiness Believe and get out of the way!

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