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Weight Management and Eating Disorders

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1 Weight Management and Eating Disorders
Chapter 5 Notes Weight Management and Eating Disorders

2 Section 5.1: Metabolism and Ideal Weight Weight Management and Ideal Weight

3 -The television is inundated with weight-loss ads, yet many Americans are dangerously overweight. -The chances of being overweight at some point in your life are high.

4 How Your Body Uses Food Energy
How Your Body Uses Food Energy -Metabolism describes all the chemical reactions that occur in the body to break down food and build new materials. -

5 The amount of calories you consume is determined by two factors: --Basel metabolic rate --Level of activity

6 -Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): amount needed to fuel the body’s ongoing processes while the body is at complete rest

7 --Include breathing, circulating blood throughout the body, providing energy to maintain cell function --Does NOT include energy needed to digest food.

8 -Energy Balance Equation: eating the same number of calories that you burn each day.

9 --If you add your BMR to the energy required for all your activities during a 24 hour period, and to the energy needed to digest the food you have eaten you end up with the energy the body needs.

10 --Example: BMR=1000, Activity Level=800, Digestion= = Your total energy requirement per day to maintain your current body weight would be 1980.

11 Body Composition -Lean Mass: Total body weight minus the weight due to fat -Essential Fat: The amount of fat needed for certain metabolic processes to occur.

12 -Storage Fat: Excess fat stored in the body -Overweight: Weighing 10 percent more than one’s recommended weight

13 -Obesity: A condition in which one weighs 20 percent more than the recommended weight   Weight gain can slowly occur over a long period of time. -An extra 100 calories a day add up to 1 or 2 pounds a month.

14 Section 5.2: Eating Disorders -An estimated 1 million teenagers are affected by eating disorders. -As many as 85% of all people with these disorders are female.

15 -Females are more likely to have an eating disorder because thinness tends to be associated with femininity, sensuality, and being popular. -It is better to see yourself as a fit healthy person.

16 Anorexia Nervosa -Anorexia Nervosa: an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain.

17 --Characterized by constant dieting and carrying dieting to the extreme. --Leads to a state of starvation --An obsession with being thin

18 -Anorexics tend to be unable to recognize when they are extremely thin
-Anorexics tend to be unable to recognize when they are extremely thin. -Anorexia often occurs as a result of emotional problems

19 -Part of the recovery process often involves helping the anorexic gain independence

20 Effects of Anorexia Nervosa -Physical effects related to excessive weight loss include: --Heart rate, BMR, Body Temperature all drop to low levels

21 -Because the fat stored in the body is used up, the body begins breaking down muscle tissue for energy.

22 --Loss of muscle tissue can cause permanent heart damage
--Loss of muscle tissue can cause permanent heart damage. --When this disorder occurs during puberty, sexual maturity and growth will stop.

23 -The anorexic has low self-esteem which is generally the cause of the disorder. --The state of starvation results in frequent depression.

24 --Relationships among family and friends can be strained as the anorexic becomes more and more obsessed with not eating.

25 Treatment -As many as 10% of anorexics die of starvation without treatment. -Treatment requires a team of professionals – physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, family psychologists, and dietitians – working together. -

26 -The first priority of treatment is aimed at meeting the nutritional deficiencies to prevent long-term medical problems.

27 Bulimia -Bulimia: an eating disorder based on a cycle of binging and purging food. --A binge involves eating large amounts of food over a very short period of time.

28 --Purging is either throwing up or using laxatives
--Purging is either throwing up or using laxatives. Bulimia is far more common in teenage girls than anorexia.

29 Warning Signs of Bulimia -Recurring episodes of binge eating -Feeling of a lack of control over eating behavior during the eating binges. -Regular practice of self-induced vomiting, using laxatives, or using diuretics.

30 -Strict dieting, fasting, or engaging in vigorous exercise to prevent weight gain. -An average of two or more binge eating episodes a week for at least three months. -Persistent over-concern with body shape and weight.

31 Effects of Bulimia -A bulimic may throw up daily to purge
Effects of Bulimia -A bulimic may throw up daily to purge. --Throwing up causes the enamel on the teeth to dissolve from exposure to acid from the stomach.

32 --Salivary Glands become large from overproducing saliva to prevent dehydration. --Frequent throwing up can disturb the electrolyte balance in the body and can result in abnormal heart rhythms and kidney damage.

33 -Weight loss due to laxatives can cause water loss
-Weight loss due to laxatives can cause water loss. --Excessive laxative use disrupts normal bowel function. -Depression is very common.

34 --Excessive use of diuretics can also cause high blood pressure and dehydration. -The binge-purge cycle tends to dominate the bulimics life.

35 Treatment -Bulimia can be hard to diagnose because its victims appear to be normal weight. Like anorexia, the emotional basis of this disorder lies in the individual’s low self-esteem

36 -Therapy includes training in appropriate nutritional eating habits.

37 Anorexia and Bulimia in Combination -About percent of anorexics also go through binge-purge cycles. -Having both disorders increases the health risks.

38 What Should You Do? -Recognize that eating disorders result from too much emphasis on body shape and weight.

39 -Because thinness is highly valued in the United States culture, these disorders occur more frequently here than in other parts of the world.

40 -Learn to be comfortable with your body and realize there is only so much you can do to change it. -If you have, or area at high risk for, an eating disorder, seek help now.

41 Pica -Pica: an eating disorder in which the person eats nonfood substances like starch, clay, or soil.

42 -This disorder generally occurs among pregnant women
-This disorder generally occurs among pregnant women. -The health dangers of pica result from eating harmful bacteria that could be present in clay, soil, or laundry starch.

43 Section 5.3: Disorders Affecting the Digestive System -Disorders of the digestive system are frequently related to personal choices.

44 -Overeating and eating foods that are hard to digest are the most frequent cause of digestive problems. -Digestive problems can also be the result of a specific disease.

45 Constipation -Constipation: a condition in which bowel movements are infrequent or difficult

46 -Results from too much water being removed in the large intestines
-Results from too much water being removed in the large intestines. -Constipation may occur due to a: --Low fiber diet --Not drinking enough fluids --Lack of exercise --Stress --Some disease

47 Diarrhea -Diarrhea: loose bowel movements that occur when food moves too quickly through the digestive system and there is not enough time for water to be removed.

48 -Even though the stools are watery, the person should drink plenty of liquids. -During diarrhea there is a loss on nutrition and dehydration can occur.

49 -When diarrhea occurs for a long period of time, the large loss of water can be very dangerous. -If diarrhea lasts for more than two days, a physician should always be consulted.

50 Food Allergies -Allergies brought about by food can cause reactions such as diarrhea, rashes, congestion, sneezing, and itchy watery eyes.

51 -Food allergies are the result of the body’s immune system responding to the food as if it were a disease-causing organism. -The most common food allergies involve cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat products, shellfish, and fish.

52 -The most severe reaction is called anaphylactic shock
-The most severe reaction is called anaphylactic shock. --The victim of anaphylactic shock experiences severe itching, hives, sweating, tightness in the throat, and difficulty breathing, followed by low blood pressure, unconsciousness, and eventually death.

53 -Food Intolerance: a negative reaction to food which is not brought about by the immune system.

54 -Lactose intolerance is one of the most common of these reactions
-Lactose intolerance is one of the most common of these reactions. --People whose bodies do not tolerate milk --Their bodies do not produce the lactase the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk.

55 -Other common intolerances include the inability to adequately digest substances such as prunes, blueberries, corn and MSG.

56 The End

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