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 Alexandra Constantin  James Cook  Anindya De Computer Science, UC Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: " Alexandra Constantin  James Cook  Anindya De Computer Science, UC Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1  Alexandra Constantin  James Cook  Anindya De Computer Science, UC Berkeley

2  TPM – Trusted Platform Module  Specs by Trusted Computing Group (TCG)  Stores secret keys to be used for cryptographic protocols and authentication

3 Release data only if running Vista ! How to ascertain if the server is running Vista? Trust TPM hardware and ask it for integrity measurements

4 Attestation  TPM hardware is trusted  AIK key pair  AIK credential signed by trusted third party (privacy CA)

5 Boot Process  BIOS boot block = Core Root of Trust  Chain of trust ◦ Boot block ◦ rest of the bios ◦ OS, etc.  Integrity measurements = hash of code to be loaded  Signed hash of code used to establish trust

6 Alice Bob Ascertained that it is Bob

7 Alice Bob Pick K. Send Enc(K,PK)

8 Alice Bob Send Enc(K,Data)

9  TPM hardware requirements to maintain efficiency for a system with many partitions?  When to hash?  Some simulation results


11  Privacy: Critical data to be hashed but source to remain undisclosed  Deflection attack: Server initially deflects communication to a TPM based server and later starts communication  Replay attacks : Continue to use certificate after switching OS  Snoopy attacks : Pry on the communication line for certificates and use them as your own

12  Have to trust some part of the kernel  DRAM is unsafe – freeze the computation  Pry on the system bus  Side Channel Attacks

13  Efficiency issues – Is the system reasonable when there are 20 cores and 120 partitions?  Some partitions trusted and some untrusted  Cannot even think of timestamping to prevent replay  More privacy issues : Should not be able to ascertain two partitions are physically on the same computer Trusted Hardware for Partitioned Multicore

14 Virtual TPMs for Partitioned Multicore  Multiple partitions hosting operating systems  Virtual operating systems reside in virtual machines  Changing partitions  Virtualize TPMs  Create one VTPM per partition  Each VTPM has its own keys and resources and can replicate the functions of a real TPM  A VTPM manager connects the VTPM instance and the OS partitions  VTPM manager collects integrity measurements of VTPM instances

15  Virtualizing the TPM takes care of privacy issues  Chain of trust now goes through the virtual TPM  VTPM manager can give different privileges to different partitions.  Assurance on Quality of Service (QoS) can be given : we have a novel priority algorithm  Compromise of one partition ≠ Compromising the entire system

16 TPM Secure DRAM CPU Memory Encrypter Secure Box

17  Security unusually dependent on correctness of kernel  Use the Hi-Star labeling mechanism  There are categories and labels – {0,1,2,3}  Rules for information flow – function of category, label tuple  We have one Hi-star category for information flow from secure box to rest of the world

18  RSA vs. ECC protocols  Advantages of ECC : smaller key size  RSA is a malleable encryption scheme – cannot use for signing  ECC arithmetic can be implemented very efficiently in hardware

19 ECC – GF(2 233 ) 83 milliseconds ECC – GF(2 117 ) 18 milliseconds RSA - 2048 bits 186 milliseconds RSA -1024 bits 25 milliseconds JAVA simulation of RSA and Elliptic curve cryptography

20 ECC FPGA Coprocessors for Improved Performance [Rebeiro and Mukhopadhyay]  3 main modules: ALU, register bank, control unit  ALU components ◦ 14 cascaded circuits quad circuits, used for inversion ◦ Multiplier ◦ N x Squarer ◦ N x Adder  Register Bank: 233 bit dual port registers; input to the registers = base point or output of ALU  Control unit: Finite State Machine for 32 control signals  Replicate coprocessor components according to partitioned multicore performance requirements

21 OperationsTime Product – GF(2 233 )0.239 milliseconds Addition – GF(2 233 )0.001 milliseconds Inverse – GF(2 233 )61.722 millseconds Results from Software Simulation Results from Hardware simulation OperationsTimeClock Cycles Product – GF(2 233 )0.2178 μs33 Inverse – GF(2 233 )68 μs10306

22  Efficient implementation of finite field primitives is of central importance  Doubling a point on Elliptic curve: Can be done in 3 clock cycles (9 field multiplications)  Adding two points on elliptic curve: Can be done in 8 clock cycles (13 field multiplications)

23  Tradeoffs: chip area, time complexity, power  Even for basic multiplication (finite field or Z n ), one can have the hardware scale as n (log 3)/(log 2) and time as log n or have the hardware scale as n and time n (log 3)/(log 2)  Circuits have been implemented in Verilog showing tradeoff

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