… for:  Study  Sleep  Socialising  Work (paid)  Eating  Travel  Relaxing.

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Presentation on theme: "… for:  Study  Sleep  Socialising  Work (paid)  Eating  Travel  Relaxing."— Presentation transcript:







7 … for:  Study  Sleep  Socialising  Work (paid)  Eating  Travel  Relaxing



10 There are 168 hours in any week. So how many hours should be spent on study and course work ? 27% = 45 hours – according to Payne and Whittaker’s (2000) study.

11 One survey suggested that 2 extra hours for every hour spent in scheduled lectures per week was necessary to achieve the best results (University of York 2002).


13 Weekly study time on six modules = 50 hours Less class time = 15 hours Independent learning = 35 hours This roughly corresponds to the 2:1 ration suggested by (Univ. of York 2002).

14  This is why >

15 Task MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 3. Weekly Task Scheduler (downloaded from Microsoft Office OnLine)

16 PRIORITY Important Pending

17 aims

18  Importance of allocating available time to priority & important tasks …  … need for a weekly schedule or overview of study tasks  Importance of having clear and realistic study targets for each day

19 … so what’s the problem ?

20 Three Big Time Management Issues for Students PERFECTIONISM Trying to get things perfect: causes tasks to stack up PROCRASTINATION Putting off starting until the last minute POOR PLANNING: Problems with planning ahead & balancing tasks

21 80% of the outputs come from 20% of the inputs Pareto’s Law – 80/20 Rule

22  A study by O’Brien (2002) suggested that over a third of students feel that procrastination is a problem for them.  Burka and Yuen (1983), suggested that procrastination often emerges as a means of distancing oneself from stressful activities, and that the most difficult tasks are often put to one side mentally until the last possible minute.

23  Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance, without good reason, of an intended or scheduled task until later. The word has its origins in latin:  pro-(forward) and crastinus (of tomorrow).


25 Procrastination factors related to academic study:  Aversion to the task In proportion to the importance of the task to overall success and failure on a course. Where this is not vital, incentives and rewards are weak.

26  Aversion to the task - Develop motivation  Find a personal engagement with subject …  … how can I use this idea ?  … what’s significant in this for me ?  Why have I found this difficult in the past ? …  … how is this different now ?  If I had to explain this to others simply, how would I best summarise it for them ?

27  Depression or mood-related “Just not in the mood now, but will be later …” -O-OK, even healthy, in moderation, providing it’s not a regular response, concealing other negative life factors … -…-… recurrent difficulties require significant self-awareness and resourcefulness, or external support.

28  Time planning issues - Difficult to gauge time needed for academic tasks - Can underestimate and defer tasks - Second language issues can compound this

29  Time management issues: - Allow more time for assignments … - … draft, leave, edit, redraft - Simple, realistic, daily goal-setting - Link short-term priorities to long-term goals - Lower your expectations ?

30  THINKING ABOUT WHEN TO STUDY  When planning time to study, many students think of identifying lengthy blocks of study time e.g. 7pm-10pm in the evening.  Study time does not have to be organised in such a way that it dominates every evening.  BE Focused with your time – Work Hard so you can enjoy free time better…


32  New Lap Tops: loan out – work quietly  Free room allocation  Common Room AKA Group Work Room  Silent Study Room  Learning conversations  Independent Study Lesson Times  More time to relaxing at home or paid work

33  Impulsiveness and distractions - Occupied with desires of the moment - Immediate gratification - Stronger the attraction, greater the distraction Blatt and Quinn (1967)

34  Impulsiveness / distractions - Long term vision - ‘Unpleasant’ tasks first - Short tasks / short term rewards - Involve others in pay-offs - Mix active / passive work e.g. reading - Study groups sharing research teaching learning

35  Other students around you are doing or saying things that appear to be more interesting  You are struggling to make sense of a subject you find either difficult or irrelevant  You feel the subject is presented (in text books or lectures) in an uninteresting way  You are not sure what is expected of you  You do not like to be still or seated for too long  You are not making notes as you read

36 Just say No! & say to yourself A trigger word/s like “Focus” or “Come On” Like the top sportspeople

37  Start with the unpleasant tasks first.  Set yourself a time limit for reading.  Use active reading techniques.  Relate the subject to your real world.  Dismiss most texts that you find hard to follow..  Find somewhere quiet to study – free of distractions, unless actively seeking group- work (check free room list in 6 th form office)  Keep your working area clear of clutter.

38  The number of daily tasks scheduled should be manageable for any one day  otherwise you will inevitably get stressed. Be fair to yourself – don’t give yourself more daily tasks than you can realistically manage.

39  You MUST reference all sources of information i.e. “blah blah blah”  Information taken from www.btecinformation.com (2011) and the author’s name if applicable.www.btecinformation.com  You MUST NOT copy information from any source without referencing

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