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Customer Relationship Management Strategy Executive Director’s Management Team 8 th May 2014.

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1 Customer Relationship Management Strategy Executive Director’s Management Team 8 th May 2014

2 Purpose & Agenda  Why a CRM Strategy?  Objectives  Framework  Opportunities  Culture change  Discussion Build awareness of the CRM Strategy and explore what it means to you and to this leadership team

3 Reach out to a broader student body Manage alliances with graduate employers Intensify collaboration between researchers and industry Attract research leaders Create Research Partnerships Strengthen connections with Alumni and supporters StudentAlumni Donors & Benefactors VolunteerResearchers Industry/ Employers Research Funder/ Strategic partners Government and other institutions CommunityAgentSchool/Parent Prospective Student Heightened global competition and market Competition for students nationally Increasing government intervention Increase in consumer choice and career readiness focus Digital transformation Reduced government funding

4 The University deals with customers according to a single role at a point in time, fractured by function and/or Faculty A new approach is needed to provide a single view of the customer and enable customised interactions that deliver mutual value PROSPECTIVE STUDENT INTERACTION

5 Objectives of the CRM Strategy Engage and serve customers based on deep understanding, respect and mutual value Attract, retain and develop relationships through improved management practices Develop CRM capability across the University through strategy, structures, skills, processes, information and systems to enable: – Better adaptation to changing environment – Tailor student experience to meet individual needs, recognising diversity – Leave those with whom the University interacts with a positive and enduring experience – Engage with organisational customers in a professional and integrated way – Build brand equity, improve advocacy and greater customer value

6 CRM Framework: Customer Lifecycle University of Adelaide6

7 CRM Framework: Customer Lifecycle

8 CRM Framework: Needs Based Segmentation Focus on value to customer Recognise that customers see value in different things Define customer groups to focus on their needs and values Develop and test value propositions for customers and segments Customise interaction to maximise value Students UndergraduatePost GraduateDomestic InternationalDisadvantagedATSI PathwayEmployedProgram

9 CRM Framework: Lifetime value (LTV) Focus on value to the University Customer value increases as the relationship develops Understand the “cost of doing business” versus the return for each customer/customer segment Use this information to make good decisions, prioritise initiatives and allocate resources Measure and manage LTV for different customers and customer segments Allows proportional investment of resources to customer value

10 26 Areas of Opportunity AcquisitionRetentionRelationship Development Prospect enquiry and contact management Service enquiry and contact management Positive word of mouth leading to referral Lead and pipeline management Explicitly designed student experience Re-acquisition of postgraduate/HDR Brand integrityConsistency across departments Segment extension Accessing new segmentsConsistency across channels Alumni/supporter growth Conversion rateFirst year engagement “At risk” student detection and pro-active intervention

11 26 Areas of Opportunity Organisational CustomerEnabling Organisational customer experienceDefine and manage the customer lifecycle Business development and opportunity management Manage customer value (lifetime value assessment) Key account managementSingle view of customer Coordinated engagement and project management Reduce complexity and duplication Reduce transactions/costs (“write once, use many”; clear map of customer information) Automation/workflow

12 Culture Change FROM Activity focus Point in time service excellence Act within span of control Inside-out thinking Treat customers the same TO Outcome focus Proactively create value over time Shared ownership across boundaries Outside-in thinking Treat customers differently based on need and value

13 Questions & Comments?


15 Discussion To what extent will we progress the CRM Strategy through our current performance objectives and plans? Are there opportunities to extend and/or better align what we are doing with this strategy? What opportunity do you see for this leadership team to drive change? University of Adelaide15

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