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PSA Public Service Announcement Assignment

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1 PSA Public Service Announcement Assignment

2 Definition: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT “Defined by the Federal Communications Commission as an unpaid announcement that promotes the programs of government or voluntary agencies or that serves the public interest. PSAs can be produced for television and radio broadcast.”

3 Definition: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT “Announcements that inform the public about safety and health information, community services or public affairs. Produced and programmed much like commercials, but usually not produced for profit.”

4 Public Service Announcement:
You will individually: Select a topic Research the topic Write and pitch proposal Write script Draw storyboards Direct and shoot video (if you act it must be a small part) Edit video

5 Public Service Announcement:
Can be aired on our Morning Bulletin and on Student DV (cable) Can be entered in County Fair and SEVA Awards

6 Public Service Announcement:
Our assignment is exactly 60 seconds plus 3-5 seconds of credits. Everything must be original Music and images. (Photos from the Internet will disqualify your project.)

7 PSA Examples Critique and Analysis Filmmaking Technique
Target Audience Lecture Examples

8 PSA Examples…websites

9 PSA Topics Pick one of the following:

10 Smoking PSA Topics Health Consequences Social Consequences Jobs-Hiring

11 Drug Abuse PSA Topics Health Consequences Legal Consequences
Psychological Issues

12 Prescription Drug Abuse
PSA Topics Prescription Drug Abuse Health Consequences Legal Consequences Psychological Issues

13 Personal Safety PSA Topics Tips for keeping safe from crime.
How to get additional information

14 Eating Disorders PSA Topics How to identify if you Have a problem.
Where to seek additional information

15 PSA Topics Alcohol Abuse

16 PSA Topics Depression Symptoms Treatable Resources for help

17 Teen Drunk Driving Consequences
PSA Topics Teen Drunk Driving Consequences Legal consequences Deaths and injuries

18 PSA Topics Pollution/Littering

19 PSA Topics Campus Littering

20 Household Chemical Disposal
PSA Topics Household Chemical Disposal

21 PSA Topics Pet Adoption

22 PSA Topics Steroid Use

23 PSA Topics Stereotypes

24 PSA Topics Stay in School

25 PSA Topics Peer Pressure

26 PSA Topics Sexual Harassment

27 PSA Topics Teen Dating Violence

28 PSA Topics Domestic Violence

29 PSA Topics Runaway Hotline

30 Suicide Prevention Hotline
PSA Topics Suicide Prevention Hotline

31 California Youth Crisis Line
PSA Topics California Youth Crisis Line

32 Sexual Assault Hotline
PSA Topics Sexual Assault Hotline

33 Skin Cancer Prevention
PSA Topics Skin Cancer Prevention

34 PSA Topics Study Habits

35 Texting or cell phone use while driving
PSA Topics Distracted Driving Texting or cell phone use while driving

36 Guidelines for using 911 (from a cell phone)
PSA Topics Guidelines for using 911 (from a cell phone)

37 PSA Topics Personal Fitness

38 Calories of Various Foods
PSA Topics Calories of Various Foods

39 Healthy Eating Choices
PSA Topics Healthy Eating Choices

40 PSA Topics Benefits of Breakfast

41 PSA Topics Youth Volunteerism

42 PSA Topics

43 PSA Topics Safety on the Internet

44 PSA Topics Online Bullying

45 PSA Topics Illegal File Sharing

46 PSA Topics Internet Addiction

47 Hearing Damage (Loud Music)
PSA Topics Hearing Damage (Loud Music)

48 PSA Topics Goal Setting

49 PALS PE Personal Activity Logs
PSA Topics PALS PE Personal Activity Logs For broadcast on Morning Bulletin

50 PSA Topics Student Ideas? Discuss unlisted ideas with your teacher for pre-approval

51 PSA Examples Successful PSAs: Tell a story Use a voiceover Gives facts
Refer viewer to a resource for additional information.

52 PSA Examples PSA Student Examples Examples from Mr. Clark’s Lecture

53 Preproduction Teacher presents topics Students commit to one
Student pitches idea to teacher Students begin research of topic Students brainstorm ideas Students identify a Method of Advertising

54 Preproduction Students pitch concept to teacher
Students write concept: Your name, period and date in the upper right hand corner. · Topic: (selected from the list) · Actors: · Hook: (what is going to keep you audience from changing the channel?) · Facts: (what do you want your audience to know about this issue you are presenting) · Locations: (where are you shooting?)

55 Preproduction Students develop A/V script Split column format
(Example: Next slide)

56 XLS: Camera is on Person #1’s house.
Video Audio Seconds LS: Person #1 is lying across a glider and is talking on the phone. Then person #1 receives a text message. Narrator: “We were best friends, and we used to tell each other everything.” 5 ECU: Close up on the text message. Narrator: “Then things changed when he came into the picture” MS: Person #1 is sitting on the stairs talking on the phone, camera is angled upward at the person. Narrator: “At first she was happy, and told me every detail” MS:Person#1 is lying down on the stairs, the phone rings, she looks at the phone, doesn’t answer it, and tosses it away. Camera is angled downward on her. Narrator: “But then she stopped calling. When I tried to call her, she didn’t pick up.” 6 XLS: Camera is on Person #1’s house. Narrator: “She barely came to school anymore and never answered the door.” 3 MS: Person #1 drinks from a bottle. Sitting in the closet; cornered. Camera is angled downward. (Voice Over) Narrator: “What was she doing? Rumors were spreading that her boyfriend was beating her, but if that was the case wouldn’t she tell me?” 8

57 Preproduction Students draw storyboards
Students take turns drawing frames. Each student initials the corner of the frame they drew. Storyboards are always done on national commercials and PSAs for client approval.

58 Production Students shoot projects
Locations outside of school are more interesting Record narration track right into camera

59 Post Production Edit Project Copyright Issues Music Royalty Free
Garageband / Sony Acid Express Images Make a playable DVD for SEVAs

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