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THE LIFE WE LIVE FOR James 5:1-6. The Life We Live For  Our study of James enters it’s final leg as we dive into chapter 5  James has taught many lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LIFE WE LIVE FOR James 5:1-6. The Life We Live For  Our study of James enters it’s final leg as we dive into chapter 5  James has taught many lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE LIFE WE LIVE FOR James 5:1-6

2 The Life We Live For  Our study of James enters it’s final leg as we dive into chapter 5  James has taught many lessons that helps the Christian in their daily walk  Chapter 5 is just as full of those lessons as the previous 4 chapters were

3 The Life We Live For  James begins chapter 5 with some scathing words for those who are rich  Those who James is referring to were probably not the faithful Christians who were holding fast  It is more than likely the rich Jewish religious elitist of that day

4 The Life We Live For  Remember James had already mentioned those with money  He first spoke of them in chapter 1 and said the rich would fade away in his pursuits  He also spoke of the rich in chapter 2 as they came into the assembly

5 The Life We Live For  The rich oppressed them, drug them into the courts and blasphemed the name Christian  At the end of chapter 4 he even speaks to those who seek to be rich  Those who are rich might get a little uncomfortable with what James says

6 The Life We Live For  James isn’t saying all this because they are rich  There have been many rich men who were good men (Job, Abraham, David, Joseph of Arimethea)  They were in trouble here over what they did with their wealth

7 The Life We Live For  The question for us is not whether we have wealth  The question is what will we do with it?  Are we living for this physical life, or are we living for a life after this one?  Here’s some dangers inherit with riches…

8 The Life We Live For  1. Money can’t buy everything  Sure money can be used to buy a lot of things  Some of those things can bring temporary happiness and satisfaction  However, it will never buy those things which last

9 The Life We Live For  1. Money can’t buy everything  Solomon said those with money have an endless pursuit (Ecc. 5:10, 12)  Money cannot buy salvation either  Simon the sorcerer tried to buy the power of God (Acts 8:18-20)  It’s a free gift (Rom. 6:23)

10 The Life We Live For  1. Money can’t buy everything  Destruction comes for those who are not rich towards God (Lk. 12:20-21)  It’s sad to lose one’s soul over worldly things (Mk. 10:23-24)  Neither an abundance of money or a lack of will get one to heaven

11 The Life We Live For  2. Riches are temporary  The bible speaks over and over again about not putting stock into that which is temporary  Jesus made it clear when He told us not to lay up treasures on earth (Matt. 6:19-21)  Those James spoke to were storing up earthly treasures (vs. 2-3)

12 The Life We Live For  2. Riches are temporary  “Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God…” (I Tim. 6:17)  “Do not love the world or the things in the world…and the world is passing away…” (I Jn. 2:15-17)

13 The Life We Live For  3. Riches cause corruption  Remember what James said about those who were rich in chapter 2?  Paul said the love of money was a root of all kinds of evil (I Tim. 6:10)  Here they were not paying their workers fair wages, they had condemned and murdered

14 The Life We Live For  3. Riches cause corruption  Greed is one big problem for those who find themselves with riches  The COI were accused of robbing God in Malachi 3  Hebrews 13:5 tells us to be content with what we have

15 The Life We Live For  4. Riches can take our eyes off Jesus  Many people get caught up in earthly affairs that distract them from what is really important  Chasing after this worlds goods is one big distraction  That’s why we are warned over and over to keep our focus

16 The Life We Live For  4. Riches can take our eyes off Jesus  We are admonished to keep our eyes focused on Jesus as we run this race (Heb. 12:1-2)  Paul reminds us to seek the things that are above and to set our minds on those things (Col. 4:1-2)  Satan wishes to distract us

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