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Title I School-Parent Compacts: A Tool for Continuous School Improvement Federal Programs Directors’ Meeting Stonewall Resort March 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I School-Parent Compacts: A Tool for Continuous School Improvement Federal Programs Directors’ Meeting Stonewall Resort March 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I School-Parent Compacts: A Tool for Continuous School Improvement Federal Programs Directors’ Meeting Stonewall Resort March 12, 2014

2 Agenda Family Connections School-Parent Compacts – Title I, Part A. Section 1118 (Parent Involvement) – A Tool for School Improvement – Quality Indicators An opportunity for 8 WV Title I schools

3 The Impact of School, Family and Community Connections on Student Achievement available as full-text PDF at

4 Research Findings Programs and interventions that engage families in supporting their children’s learning at home are linked to improved student achievement. Family and community involvement that is linked to student learning has a greater effect on achievement than more general forms of involvement.

5 Research Findings Families of all cultural backgrounds, education, and income levels can, and often do, have a positive influence on their children’s learning. Effective connections embrace a philosophy of partnership where power is shared—the responsibility for children’s educational development is a collaborative enterprise among parents, school staff, and community members.

6 How do Your Schools Engage Families?  Individually: list 5 parent/family engagement opportunities in your school(s) (3 min)  As a table group: share and discuss(5 min)  Report out

7 How Important is Parent/Family and Community Partnerships? Federal aid for family involvement under Title I $145 million Average per state $2.9 million

8 Standard 4.0: Student Support Services and Family/Community Connections In high quality schools, the staff places student well- being at the forefront of all decisions, provides support services to address student physical, social/emotional, and academic growth, and forms positive connections to families and the community. Function A: Positive Relationships Positive relationships exist between the school staff and the students, families and larger communities.

9 “Partnerships among schools, families, and community groups are not a luxury— they are a necessity” -Anne Henderson Annenberg Institute for School Reform

10 School-Parent Compact

11 kground-reserach-anne-t-henderson/ kground-reserach-anne-t-henderson/

12 School-Parent Compact:  a written agreement of shared responsibility  a catalyst for collaboration and better communication between school staff and parents by translating goals for student achievement into shared action statements

13 One of the weakest areas of Title I Compliance (USDE 2008) – Compacts are not present – Compacts are not meaningful – Compacts are not specific – Compacts are not present – Compacts are not meaningful – Compacts are not specific

14 True or False?? The Compact…..  must be signed by teachers and parents  is a good place to teach parenting  is the place to correct student behavior

15 School-Parent Compact Title I, Part A Section 1118 (Parent Involvement)

16 What are the Requirements? Title I, Part A, Section 1118 Jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact Outline how parents, the entire school staff and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement Outline the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve State’s high standards

17 What must be included? Title I, Part A, Section 1118 Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction Describe the ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning Address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on a continuous basis – Annual parent-teacher conference – Frequent reports on academic progress – Reasonable access to staff – Opportunities to volunteer and participate

18 WV Compacts? 1.Are we in compliance with the federal statute? 2.Are parents and school staff jointly developing the compact? 3.Are parents provided a copy of the compact to keep for reference? 4.Are the compacts presented in friendly format and language? 5.Are compacts being utilized as tool for increasing student achievement?

19 Let’s Take a Look In the center of the table is a sample compact and a rubric

20 Let’s Take a Look 7 Quality Indicators

21 Let’s Take a Look WV School-Parent Compact

22 Let’s Take a Look In the center of the table is a sample compact and a rubric 1.With your shoulder partner determine the effectiveness of the school-parent compact 2.Determine 3 strengths of the sample compact and 3 weaknesses of the sample based on the rubric completed.

23 WV Pilot Project: Title I School-Parent Compact as a Tool for School Improvement

24 That was then….. This is now Compliance: Focused on Behavior Generic Broad, general statements Mirrors language of the law Aimed at “fixing” parents Correct student behavior Developed by the Title I Director or Title I Teacher(s) Partnership: Linked to Learning Student Data School Improvement Plan Specific Developed with Parents Aimed at student academic achievement Collaborative conversations



27 Sample Grade-Level Compact


29 No significant learning occurs Without a significant relationship -Dr. James Comer

30 Application must be emailed to: Kathy Hypes

31 Thank You! Kathy Hypes, Coordinator WVDE Office of Federal Programs and School Improvement

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