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Presentation on theme: "2011-2012 S PORTSMANSHIP AND C ONCUSSION D ISCUSSIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 S PORTSMANSHIP I NDIVIDUAL S PORTSMANSHIP R ULES FROM S CHOOLS Both schools, Bruning-Davenport and Shickley have sportsmanship clauses in their handbooks. We expect you to follow both the letter and spirit of the expectations set forth in those handbooks.

3 S PORTSMANSHIP C ROSSROADS C ONFERENCE S PORTSMANSHIP S TATEMENT According to the Crossroads Conference, good sportsmanship is the quality of character that strives to be courteous, fair, and respectful to others.

4 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR C OACHES 1.Be reasonable when scheduling games and practices. These young people have other interests and obligations. 2.Teach our athletes to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, and opponents. 3.Ensure that all athletes get equal instruction, support, and opportunities.*

5 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR C OACHES 4.Do not ridicule our athletes for making mistakes or performing poorly. Remember that young people play for fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves. 5.Remember that young people need a coach they can respect. Be generous with praise and set a good example.

6 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR P LAYERS 1.Play because you want to, not because your parents or coaches want you to. 2.Play by the rules and in the spirit of the game. 3.Control your temper since fighting and disrespect can spoil the activity for everyone. 4.Respect your opponents. 5.Be a true team player.

7 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR P LAYERS 6.Remember that winning isn’t the only thing. Having fun, improving your skills, making friends, and doing your best are also important. 7.Acknowledge all good plays or performances by your teammates and your opponents. 8.Remember that coaches and officials are there to help you. Accept their decisions, show them respect, and understand that they have given their time to be with you.

8 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR F ANS 1.Remember that young people play sports for their enjoyment, not to entertain you. 2.Don’t have unrealistic expectations. Understand that doing one’s best is just as important as winning. Ridiculing a student athlete for making a mistake is not acceptable behavior. 3.Respect the decisions of the officials, and encourage participants to do the same.

9 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR F ANS 4.Respect and show appreciation for the coaches and understand that they have given their time to provide activities for our young people. 5.Encourage athletes and coaches to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

10 S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS FOR F ANS 6.Show respect for our team’s opponents because without them, there wouldn’t be a game. 7.Do not use bad language, and don’t harass athletes, coaches, officials, or other spectators. 8.Be a good sport – young people learn best by example.

11 S PORTSMANSHIP E AGLE S PORTSMANSHIP E XPECTATIONS All of these expectations boil down to a very easy statement. Showing good sportsmanship means: respecting your opponent, respecting yourself and your school, respecting all school property, and respecting contest and school officials.

12 S PORTSMANSHIP R OLES OF THE O FFICIALS, C OACHES, P LAYERS, AND F ANS There are four types of people involved in games: 1) Officials, 2) Coaches, 3) Players, and 4) Fans. The first three of those roles are taken, so I want to quickly discuss the responsibilities of the fans.

13 S PORTSMANSHIP R ESPONSIBILITIES OF THE F AN 1.Show interest in the contest by enthusiastically cheering and applauding the performance of both teams. 2.Show proper respect for opening ceremonies by standing at attention and remaining silent when the National Anthem is played. 3.Understand that a ticket is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally attack others, or to be obnoxious. Maintain self-control. 4.Don’t “boo,” stamp feet or make disrespectful remarks toward players or officials. 5.Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.

14 S PORTSMANSHIP R ESPONSIBILITIES OF THE F AN 6.Know that noisemakers of any kind are not proper for indoor events. 7.Obey and respect officials and faculty supervisors who are responsible for keeping order. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. 8.Stay off the playing area at all times. 9.Do not disturb others by throwing material onto the playing area. 10.Show respect for officials, coaches, cheerleaders and student-athletes.

15 S PORTSMANSHIP R ESPONSIBILITIES OF THE F AN 11.Pay attention to the half-time program and do not disturb those who are watching. 12.Respect public property by not damaging the equipment or the facility. 13.Know that the school officials reserve the right to refuse attendance of individuals whose conduct is not proper. 14.Refrain from the use of alcohol and drugs on the site of the contest.

16 C ONCUSSIONS W HAT IS A C ONCUSSION ? A concussion is a brain injury which results in a temporary disruption of normal brain function. A concussion occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body. An athlete does not have to lose consciousness (“knocked-out”) to suffer a concussion.

17 C ONCUSSIONS W HEN IN D OUBT, S IT T HEM O UT ! All athletes who sustain a concussion need to be evaluated by a health care professional who is familiar with sports concussions. If your child is vomiting, has a severe headache, is having difficulty staying awake or answering simple questions he or she should be taken to the emergency department immediately.

18 C ONCUSSIONS R ETURN TO P LAY Step 1: Light exercise, including walking or riding an exercise bike. No weight-lifting. Step 2: Running in the gym or on the field. No helmet or other equipment. Step 3: Non-contact training drills in full equipment. Weight- training can begin. Step 4: Full contact practice or training. Step 5: Game play. If symptoms occur at any step, the athlete should cease activity and be re-evaluated by their health care provider.

19 C ONCUSSIONS M ORE I NFORMATION For more information, please pick up the NFHS handout on concussions titled, “A Parent’s Guide to Concussion in Sports.” There are copies available at the door. Or, if you would like, the handout is available at


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