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Jesus – Lord & slave John 13:1-17; Phil.2:5-11 1. Jesus – Lord of all - Phil.2:6,9-11 a. He is God – Phil.2:6; John1;Col.1,Heb.1 a. He is God – Phil.2:6;

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus – Lord & slave John 13:1-17; Phil.2:5-11 1. Jesus – Lord of all - Phil.2:6,9-11 a. He is God – Phil.2:6; John1;Col.1,Heb.1 a. He is God – Phil.2:6;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus – Lord & slave John 13:1-17; Phil.2:5-11 1. Jesus – Lord of all - Phil.2:6,9-11 a. He is God – Phil.2:6; John1;Col.1,Heb.1 a. He is God – Phil.2:6; John1;Col.1,Heb.1 b. Victor over sin, death & evil powers – Mt.28:18; Rev.1:17,18; Eph.1:19-22 b. Victor over sin, death & evil powers – Mt.28:18; Rev.1:17,18; Eph.1:19-22 c. He is the Judge – 1 Cor.4:4,5; Rev.19:11-21 c. He is the Judge – 1 Cor.4:4,5; Rev.19:11-21 d. Becoming a Christian means submitting to him as Lord – Rom.10:9; 1 Cor.8:5,6 d. Becoming a Christian means submitting to him as Lord – Rom.10:9; 1 Cor.8:5,6

2 2. Jesus – slave of all - Phil.2:6-8 a. Slave of God 1. Humble submission – John 4:34 1. Humble submission – John 4:34 2. Unquestioning obedience – Mt.26:39,42,44 2. Unquestioning obedience – Mt.26:39,42,44 3. Passion – to please his Father – Mt.3:17; 17:5 3. Passion – to please his Father – Mt.3:17; 17:5

3 b. Slave of all – John 13:1-17 The washing of feet shows us:- 1. The life of Jesus – he acted as a slave- serving others - Phil.2:7,8; Mk.10:45 2. The serving work of the Cross – washing - bath, washing feet – John 13:8-10. Jesus acted because he was secure:- - bath, washing feet – John 13:8-10. Jesus acted because he was secure:- a. Motivated by love – v.1 a. Motivated by love – v.1 b. Had an understanding of his authority, origin & destiny – v.2 b. Had an understanding of his authority, origin & destiny – v.2

4 3. The Christian – slave of Christ & others a. Slave of Christ – Rom.1:1; Phil.1:1 1. We belong to Christ – 1 Cor.6:19,20; Rom.14:9 1. We belong to Christ – 1 Cor.6:19,20; Rom.14:9 2. Total obedience – Rom.6:16-18; 12:1,2 2. Total obedience – Rom.6:16-18; 12:1,2 3. Passion – to please Christ – 2 Cor.5:9; Mt.25:20,23 3. Passion – to please Christ – 2 Cor.5:9; Mt.25:20,23 Cf. Picture in Ex.21:5,6 Complete freedom & total surrender

5 b. Slave of others - Look to others interests – Phil.2:3,4 - Humbly serve others – 2 Cor.4:5; John 13:14-17 John 13:14-17 N.T. examples 1. Epaphras – Col.4:12,13 2. Dorcas – Acts 9:36,39; Rom.12:8 3. Onesiphorus – 2 Tim.1:16-18; Rom.12:8 4. Priscilla & Aquila – Acts 18:1-3,18,26 5. Paul – 1 Cor.9:19-22; Rom.1:14,15

6 4. Your response a. Do you know freedom in Christ? Have you surrendered to him as your Lord? b. Do you see yourself as a slave? 1. To Christ 1. To Christ 2. To others 2. To others

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