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Presentation on theme: "NORTH HILLS HIGHLANDS “Aging in Place”."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background John J. Kane Hospital (nursing home/hospital)
Opened in Scott Township in 1958 Cost: $22.5 Million 2,100 Beds (including 16 bed wards) Considered opulent-for-its- day County’s only nursing home facility putting patients far from their former neighborhoods & relatives Sheer size made quality control difficult causing understaffing & poor conditions In endured a 16 month ban on admissions Anecdote regarding Old Kane – During the building of the Kane Hospital in 1957 an article appeared in the local newspaper with this quote by one of the County Commissioners: “ We have dejected some insinuations in the course of the furor that this new hospital is too lavish, too big to nice for its purpose which is to house and care for and rehabilitate the indigent sick of Allegheny County” Talk about 1980 when County went on Strike and we worked there Background

3 Glen Hazel / City of Pittsburgh
Four Regional Centers In the early 1980’s, County officials had no choice financially but to act more like a private nursing home Four Regional Kane Hospitals were built 360-bed facilities They opened: Ross – 10/31/83 Scott – 12/12/83 McKeesport – 1/30/84 Glen Hazel - 2/17/84 The old Scott facility closed in February, 1984 after all residents were transferred to the Regional Centers. Ross Township Glen Hazel / City of Pittsburgh City of McKeesport Scott Township

4 Kane Action Plan In the autumn of 2006, the Kane Action plan that was introduced by County Executive Dan Onorato in 2005 was published. The plan was based on the recommendations of the Health Care Summit Committee appointed the previous year. That plan addressed means to improve the four Kane Regional Center’s

5 Kane Action Plan Develop a continuum of care that includes independent living, personal care and a LIFE Center All four Kane Centers will continue to provide residential skilled-nursing care for up to 1,067 residents needing nursing home care. The action plan will transform the Kane Centers in Glen Hazel and Ross Twp. into comprehensive living centers that offer a spectrum of short- and long-term residential and non-residential services. Specifically, 14 new independent living units and a 30-person personal care unit will be developed at the Kane Center in Glen Hazel, and the Center will retain capacity for 210 skilled-nursing residents. Glen Hazel will also house a training center for the Kane Centers’ workforce. The Kane Centers in McKeesport and Scott Twp. will continue to provide residential skilled-nursing care and rehabilitation services. The McKeesport and Scott Twp. Kane Centers will retain their current capacity of 314 and 360 skilled-nursing residents respectively. The County will also sell approximately 10 acres of unused land in Scott Twp. In addition to operational changes, the County will implement a marketing initiative to highlight the current and expanded services at the Kane Centers, as well as adopt “best practices” used in the health care industry. Onorato plans to host open houses at all four Centers to familiarize the public and health care community with the expanded services.

6 Kane Action Plan – Ross Facility
Develop a continuum of care that includes independent living, personal care and a LIFE Center The Kane Center in Ross Twp. will retain capacity for 240 skilled-nursing residents, while two new personal care units for up to 60 individuals will be created. The County will also develop residential housing units on two acres of land adjacent to the facility, and it will work to create a LIFE Center within the new development. Living Independently For Elders (LIFE) Program, a Medicare risk-based program providing long-term care services for elders who prefer to remain living in their homes. LIFE incorporates a comprehensive range of health and social services on a 24-hour basis.  The LIFE staff team provides elders with nursing and medical care, physical and occupational therapies, meals, nutrition counseling, social services, recreational therapy, and personal care. Approximately six acres of land near the facility will be sold. The Allegheny County Department of Economic Development staff members were on the Action Plan team and were the Project Managers of the re-development of the Ross Facility Living Independently For Elders (LIFE) Program, a Medicare risk-based program providing long-term care services for elders who prefer to remain living in their homes. LIFE incorporates a comprehensive range of health and social services on a 24-hour basis.  The LIFE staff team provides West Philadelphia elders with nursing and medical care, physical and occupational therapies, meals, nutrition counseling, social services, recreational therapy, and personal care. 

7 Ross Facility North Hills Highlands

8 North Hills Highlands PHASE I Independent living

9 The North Hills Highlands Senior Housing Project – Phase I
Sixty of the units are in one newly constructed, four story-building. 54 – one bedroom 6 – two bedroom The program provides the new construction units to seniors who are more independent. All the units feature full kitchens, dining area, bedroom and bath and are fully self-contained. Project is pursuing LEED certification

10 Leasing Requirements All units must be occupied by seniors (age 62 or older) with incomes no more than 60% of the area median income levels (AMI). Rents for the one-bedroom units range from $225 to $675 per month, dependent on the income levels of the seniors. Units are designated by income for households from 20% of AMI up to 60% AMI. This translates to seniors with incomes as low as $8,900 per year and as high as $26,500 per year. All units are fully leased and there is a waiting list

11 Financing – Phase I The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) allocated Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Loans to provide the largest share of the funds for the development of the senior building. The Low Income Housing Tax Credits(LIHTC) were used to secure $12.4 Million dollars in private capital for this project. Allegheny County, through its Department of Economic Development, and the Allegheny County Housing Authority are also providing deferred payment loans to the project. PHASE I Total Project Cost: $14,519,197 Project Sources: Allegheny County HOME Funds: $ 1,852,453 LIHTC Equity : $ 7,533,237 PHFA TCAP Funds: $ 1,881,738 PHFA PennHOMEs Loan $ 1,500,000 Allegheny Co. Housing Authority Deferred Payment Loans $ 1,363,333 Developer Equity $ ,436

12 PHASE II Assisted living
North Hills Highlands PHASE II Assisted living

13 The North Hills Highlands Senior Housing Project – Phase II
Assisted Living Units An additional 37 units are located on a previously empty 4th floor of the Kane Center in fully renovated space. Those who may require some assistance with daily activities may be better suited in one of the 37 renovation units.

14 Financing – Phase II PHASE II Total Project Cost: $ 9,678,462
Project Sources: Allegheny County HOME Funds: $ 1,675,482 Allegheny County CDBG Funds: $ ,000 Allegheny County. General Funds: $ ,818 LIHTC Equity: $ 4,998,672 PHFA TCAP Loan: $ 1,578,290 Allegheny County Housing Authority Deferred Payment Loans: $ ,200

15 Ross Kane Facility Nursing Home Care

16 The lower 3 floors of the Ross Facility is used for nursing care.
Seniors who require further care can transition to one of the full nursing care units of the Kane Ross Township center. Low cost lunch and dinner meals are available to all residents (North Hills Highlands / Ross Kane Regional Center) through the Kane Nursing Home’s cafeteria. Ross Kane Facility Nursing Home Final Piece of the Continuum of Care

17 Future phases to be developed, as funding allows, include:
A senior day care center that will provide services to seniors from throughout the North Hills Additional senior housing units.

“Aging in Place” When the assisted living units are coupled with the new independent units and the nursing care, it allows a full spectrum of care levels for low to moderate income seniors in the North Hills section of Allegheny County

19 QUESTIONS? Jack Exler, Deputy Director
Allegheny county economic development 425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 800 Pittsburgh, PA

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