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Pronunciation Guide Consonants. Français C followed by e or I and ç eg centre, ici, ça va? C followed by all other letters eg Canada, combien CH e.g Chambre,

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Presentation on theme: "Pronunciation Guide Consonants. Français C followed by e or I and ç eg centre, ici, ça va? C followed by all other letters eg Canada, combien CH e.g Chambre,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronunciation Guide Consonants

2 Français C followed by e or I and ç eg centre, ici, ça va? C followed by all other letters eg Canada, combien CH e.g Chambre, marché Anglais Pronounced like Celia (soft s) Pronounced like Kilo (k sound). Pronounced like Sugar

3 Consonants Français g followed by e or i e.g. étage, gîte g followed by other letters eg garage, gramme gn eg Campagne Anglais Pronounced like leisure Pronounced like get Pronounced like onion

4 Consonants Français H e.g: J’habite, hôtel Qu eg Quiche, que (k sound) ll (usually) eg elle, ville ll (sometimes) fille, je travaille, Anglais You don’t say the H (silent) Pronounced like Kilo Pronounced like until Pronounced like yacht

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