Overview of British Strategic Situation Winston S. Churchill June 1940

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1 Overview of British Strategic Situation Winston S. Churchill June 1940 Pm@downingst.gov.ukPm@downingst.gov.ukwww.downingst.gov.uk

2 Summary Time of Change Crunch Point Overcome Resistance to Change Need for Unity Action Plan

3 Time of Change Battle of France (Weygand) now over Battle of Britain likely to begin soon. Long months of struggle/suffering

4 Crunch Point Future of western civilisation at stake Success = free Europe broad sunlit uplands Failure = world sinks into new dark ages

5 Need for Buy-In Not flag or fail Go on to end Brace ourselves to duties “Finest Hour”

6 Action Plan Management of expectations Policy Objectives Environmental Issues

7 Management of Expectations Nothing to offer but: Blood Tears Toil Sweat Grievous ordeal ahead

8 Policy Victory At all costs, in spite of everything, leading to Survival of Britain Institutions Empire

9 Objectives Wage war By land, sea and air With all might and strength Against monstrous enemy

10 Environmental Issues Requirement to fight On beaches On landing grounds On fields In streets On hills

11 Conclusion Task assessed as very difficult Need to avoid surrender Possibility of US assistance?

12 Questions?

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