MV-46xx Smart Weapons *Systems Inventory and Overview *Sensors, Seekers, and Processing *Cruise Missile Data requirements *FOG-M, E-FOGM Case Study.

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Presentation on theme: "MV-46xx Smart Weapons *Systems Inventory and Overview *Sensors, Seekers, and Processing *Cruise Missile Data requirements *FOG-M, E-FOGM Case Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 MV-46xx Smart Weapons *Systems Inventory and Overview *Sensors, Seekers, and Processing *Cruise Missile Data requirements *FOG-M, E-FOGM Case Study

2 Smart Weapons Functions Search Detect Classify Select Track Engage Guidance Aim point Selection Timing of Firing

3 Army Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. WAMXM 93First Smart hand emplaced top attack munition 1. TOWBGM-71Long Range anti-armor Command LOS System 2. MPIM/SRAWFire and Forget Bunker Buster Light Armor Killer 3. JavelinLatest Technology, medium range fire-and forget anti armor 5. StingerFIM 92Smart Air Defence F&F to 3+ miles

4 Air Force Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. SidewinderAIM-9MAir-to-Air heat seeker 1. AMRAAM AIM-120Medium Range Air-to-Air Active Radar, Launch and leave 2. Maverick AGM-65IR/TV LOBL Close Air Support Light Armor Killer 3. Have NapAGM-142Air-to-ground High Value targets stand-off range uses data link 5. PavewayGBU-15Guided Bomb Passive laser Designator

5 Navy Smart Weapons Systems SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE OVERVIEW 4. ERGMXM-1715”gun launched GPS/INS guided missile 1. Penguin AGM-119BHelicopter Launched short range IR guided anti-ship 2. JSOW AGM-154GPS/INS unpowered glide weapon against ground targets 3. HarpoonAGM-84Long range, sea skim, Radar/INS anti-ship missile 5. Tomahawk BGM-109Sub-sonic all-weather cruise missile

6 Sensors, Seekers, and Processing Sensors/Seekers CCD,TV,IR,MMW, LADAR Acoustic, Mutispectral Processing INS,GPS,radar altimeter, SAR,SAL,TERCOM,DSMAC Man-in-the-loop

7 Cruise Missile Example Tomahawk System Description Navigation and Targeting Terrain Contour Matching Digital Scene Matching Correlation Global Positioning System

8 Act- uators Avionics Auto-pilot Navigation Processor Guidance Processor Signal Processor EM detector Mapping/GIS VR/Simulation Scientific Visualization Smart Weapons Physical SMART WEAPONS PROCESSING SEQUENCE

9 detector optics propagation location classification recognition SIGNAL PROCESSING FUNCTIONS

10 Engagement routing thrust Control Surface COMMAND PROCESSING FUNCTIONS

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