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[insert Unit Name] FY’15 Budget Planning Administrative Unit Budget Hearing [insert Date]

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Presentation on theme: "[insert Unit Name] FY’15 Budget Planning Administrative Unit Budget Hearing [insert Date]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [insert Unit Name] FY’15 Budget Planning Administrative Unit Budget Hearing [insert Date]

2 [Insert Unit Name] [Insert Pictures, quote or message]

3 Presentation Outline Preliminary Overview Context Purpose: Vision, Mission, Overall strategic goal Services Provided Beneficiaries Historical Perspective – FY’13 Priority Initiatives of the prior fiscal year Was our unit over/under budget? Challenges faced in FY’13 Current Fiscal Year Plan – FY’14 Strategy/plans to address the challenges during FY’14 Major Goals Initiatives for current year Current year challenges Goals and Objectives - FY’15 Presentation Meeting Investment Template Major resource needs for FY’15 by priority Funding methods Benefits vs. Risks Attachments

4 Context: Purpose Overall strategic goal:

5 Context: Services provided Key Services Provided by [Insert unit name here] Service Type I Service Type 2 Service Type 3 Service Type 4 Service Type 5 Service Type 6 Service Type 7 Service Type 8 Service Type 9 Example: Administrative and Financial Oversight Service Type 11 Service Type 12

6 Context: Beneficiaries Internal customers External customers Serving…. Over XXXX Students XX Colleges XX Full-Time Faculty XX Employees XX Buildings Xx acres

7 Historical Perspective – FY’13 Priority Initiatives of the prior fiscal year What we were able to accomplish - Accomplishment 1 - Accomplishment 2 - Accomplishment 3 - Accomplishment 4 Activities that are being moved forward to future years - Future Accomplishment 1 - Future Accomplishment 2 - Future Accomplishment 3 - Future Accomplishment 4

8 Historical Perspective – FY’13 Was our unit over/under budget? Explanation

9 Historical Perspective – FY’13 Challenges faced in FY’13 Explanation

10 Perspective – Current FY’14 Strategy/plans to address the challenges during FY’14 Explanation

11 Perspective – Current FY’14 Major Goals/Initiatives for Current year Explanation

12 Perspective – Current FY’14 Current year challenges Explanation

13 Goals and Objectives – FY’15 Measurable: Goals & Objective 1 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 2 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 3 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 4 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 5

14 Goals and Objectives – FY’15 Measurable: Goals & Objective 6 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 7 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 8 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 9 Measurable: Goals & Objectives 10

15 Investment Template This slide is a placeholder to show where the investment template spreadsheet will be placed in your presentation. Do not use the slide. Provide your spreadsheet separately. When submitting electronically, include your excel workbook with the PowerPoint presentation.

16 Major resource needs for FY’15 by priority Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5

17 Funding methods Revenue Development Reallocation of Existing Resources

18 Benefits vs. Risks Key benefits if funded Risks if not funded

19 Attachments Attach your Organizational Chart as a separate document. Do not load it onto a slide. Please insert at the back of the presentation. Use the formats that have been submitted in previous years. If you are making changes to your organizational chart in FY15, a staffing plan should be included. In a paragraph or two, explain what is changing and why the changes are occurring.

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