November, 2012. Standards & Instruction  New DPI team will create, vet and disseminate high quality professional learning resources to help implement.

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Presentation on theme: "November, 2012. Standards & Instruction  New DPI team will create, vet and disseminate high quality professional learning resources to help implement."— Presentation transcript:

1 November, 2012

2 Standards & Instruction  New DPI team will create, vet and disseminate high quality professional learning resources to help implement the CCSS  COMING SOON! Unit Plan Template  COMING SOON! Lesson Plan Template  COMING SOON! Scoring Guide/Criteria for evaluating unit and lesson plans

3 New Standards  New alternate achievement standards-the Common Core Essential Elements (CCEEs) in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

4 More New Standards Coming…  The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) State Standards for Social Studies were scheduled to be released in draft format November 17, 2012  DELAYED: DPI Speculates that they may not be ready by the end of this school year. During 2013- 14 the DPI will be working to finalize the standards for WI  If you are thinking about working on social studies, you may wish to consider waiting until the 2014-15 school year  Contact the DPI to get on the list for a weekly social studies update >

5 More New Standards Coming…  The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will be based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council. Due for release, Spring, 2013

6 Standards Connections  WI Early Learning Standards

7 Fine Arts & Creativity Education  New Consultant: Julie Palkowski  New newsletter publication. Contact Julie at to subscribe  Fall Events  Just in Time Professional Development  Standards Updates  Disciplinary Literacy  Resources  ETC.

8 Accountability: ISES & the Report Card  Review Period November 5-28 th  Review Attendance Data  Review Test Participation  Verify Student Demographics

9 New Smarter Balanced Sample Items  The sample items and tasks can be viewed by grade band (grades 3-5, 6-8, and high school) They showcase the variety of item types— including technology-enhanced items and performance tasks—that will be included in the Smarter Balanced assessment system. items-and-performance-tasks

10 Smarter Balanced Question  What are the expectations for keyboarding with the new CCSS and the Smarter Balanced Assessment?  Grade 3:…produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills)  Grade 4:…demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding to type a minimum of one page in a single setting  Grade 5:…demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding to type a minimum of two pages in a single setting

11 School Report Cards  CESA 10 Webpage Document&Task=Init&ID=452 Includes Parent Guide and a brief recorded explanation at bottom of page

12 New DPI Dashboard & Reporting Tool

13 WISE aka Wisconsin Information System for Education

14 Data/Dashboards Available  Enrollment and Attendance  Assessments (including WSAS, ACT and AP)  Student Growth Percentiles  Student Profile (only available with a specific security role)  Student Search (only available with a specific security role)

15 Data/Dashboards Coming Soon  ACSESS Score for ELL  National Clearinghouse Data  Graduation Data

16 Data/Dashboards Coming Later  Value-Added School Level  PALS  MAP  Curriculum and Data Retreat Resources

17 WISE Access & Information  Access: The District Security Administrator must identify the WISE Application Administrator  WISE Application Administrator assigns who will have access and what level of access will be granted  Information:

18 Instructional Resources  Disciplinary Literacy Suitcase  Contains presentations and information that range from 15 minutes to ½ day and covers topics ranging from overview materials to close reading and performance tasks.  Doug Buehl at CESA 10  Dec. 10 th Science  Dec. 11 th History/Social Studies  Dec. 12 th All Other Technical Subjects

19 Instructional Resources  Share My Lesson- a free online portal  TED-ED-lessons worth sharing

20 Instructional Resources Save the Dates June 24 th, 25 th, 26 th Kelly Gallagher Writing Retreat

21 Instructional Resources Word Generation is a research-based vocabulary program for middle school students designed to teach words through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. The program consists of weekly units that each introduces 5 high-utility target words through brief passages outlining controversies currently under debate in this country.

22 Ellen is a Director of Instruction and is working with us as a Curriculum and Assessment Consultant. Ellen previously taught middle school science at the Bloomer District for 22 years. She is certified in Chemistry, Broadfield Science, and Computer Science. Ellen and her husband reside in the New Auburn area. Welcome Ellen Mihm

23 Questions????????

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