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Field Day Logging Software & Paper Logging June 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Day Logging Software & Paper Logging June 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Day Logging Software & Paper Logging June 4, 2009

2 2 Background N1MM Logger is a FREE contest logging program Developed by N1MM with a large group of programmers –Very fast response to improvement suggestions Easy to use, but very powerful See to download it and practice with it (or use it at home)

3 3 Startup There will be an N1MM Logger icon on the desktop Double click it!

4 4 Startup Screen N1MM Logger Icon

5 5 Logging Screen N1MM Logger Icon

6 6 Use of the Logging Screen Data Entry 1. You may have to use the mouse to put the cursor in the callsign entry field 2. Type the callsign of the station you are working (KD7VBG) 3. Use the space bar to move to the “Class” box 4. Type the class you receive from KD7VBG (1B) 5. Use the space bar to move to the “Section” box 6. Type the section you receive from KD7VBG (AZ) 7. Hit Enter (or Return) or use the mouse to click Log It 8. You’re done!

7 7 Use of the Logging Screen Corrections To erase everything, use Alt- W (press Alt and the W key at the same time) or use the mouse to click on the Wipe button. To correct 1 or more letters use the space bar to move the cursor through the boxes – it cycles through them. Highlight and correct the letter or delete it and replace it.

8 8 Use of the Logging Screen Frequency and Mode If we have computer control of the radio, the frequency and mode will automatically show up here and it will track the radio as you change bands. If we do not have computer control of the radio, type the frequency into the callsign entry box and hit Enter. Type the mode into the callsign entry box and hit Enter.

9 9 Use of the Logging Screen Other Buttons The green and red dots and the buttons to the right of the dots are not required for Field Day. The remaining buttons are for CW (see the appendix).

10 10 Use of the Logging Screen Log Window The Log window can be opened by clicking Log in the drop down Window menu on the callsign entry box. It shows the recent previous contacts. In the bottom section, it shows if we have worked that station on another band or mode.

11 11 Use of the Logging Screen Log Window If you try to work a station we have worked before, the callsign turns gray and the word Dupe! appears to the right of the entry boxes. You can type Alt-W to clear the boxes or click Wipe. Operating Hint: When Dupe! appears, you should immediately tell the station you are working “You’re a DUPE!”. There is no quicker or easier way to make radio friends than by calling someone a dupe. Sometimes it is faster to work the station again, rather than try to explain to them we have worked before. The software will score that contact with 0 points.

12 12 Use of the Logging Screen Start Up Message If the 2 Field Day station computers are networked together and you have to re-start N1MM Logger, you will get a message asking if this computer is Station 1 or Station 2. There will be a card with the radio defining the station number. Click on the right answer.

13 13 Appendix CW Operation If we can set up the computers and radios for automatic CW generation, clicking on the buttons labeled F1, F2, etc. will send the preprogrammed messages shown on them or you can use the keyboard function keys. Also, the ; key sends his call and the report and the ‘ key sends F3 and logs the contact. The messages can be changed by right clicking on one of the buttons and changing the text in the dialog box. Sorry, no automatic CW copying is built into N1MM Logger!

14 14 Using the Paper Logs 1 ? 14.220 SSB 6/27/2009 1846 W1ABC 3A CT W7YRC 2 ALFA ARIZONA 14.050 CW 6/28/2009 0024 W7XYZ 4A WY --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ------------------- OPER: N7CW / W7TQJ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ------------------- OPER: WA6ZZJ / KD7VBG

15 15 Appendix Beer



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