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Welcome to RELA-Week at a Glance Sept. 9-13, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI DO NOW: KNOWSYS group 2 Vocabulary: KNOWSYS Activity #1 Finish levels of questions labeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to RELA-Week at a Glance Sept. 9-13, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI DO NOW: KNOWSYS group 2 Vocabulary: KNOWSYS Activity #1 Finish levels of questions labeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to RELA-Week at a Glance Sept. 9-13, 2013 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI DO NOW: KNOWSYS group 2 Vocabulary: KNOWSYS Activity #1 Finish levels of questions labeling and creating questions for “The Elevator” HW: Unit #2 Quiz Thursday DO NOW: KNOWSYS Activity #2 Plot notes and practice SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 due Thursday DO NOW: Grammar Bytes introduction Reading: “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” Cornell Notes Questions SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 Thursday DO NOW: KNOWSYS Activity #4 & check HW Reading: Complete “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” and discuss character traits and Motivations SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 Quiz TODAY DO NOW: Look over notes for TEST TEST SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Make sure you work on Summer Reading Review

2 AGENDA: September 9, 2013 I can… write quality questions (level 2 or 3). DO NOW: Agenda & staple KNOWSYS group 2 Application: Finish levels of questions labeling and creating questions for “The Elevator” or “So Stupid.” HW: Unit #2 Quiz Thursday

3 AGENDA: September 10, 2013 I can… re-write or re-tell a story from a different point of view. DO NOW: Agenda & KNOWSYS Vocabulary Activity #2 Application: Plot notes and practice Quick Write: Re-write the story “So Stupid” from Seth’s POV or “The Elevator” from the fat lady’s POV. SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 due Thursday

4 AGENDA: September 11, 2013 I can… I can engage deeply with text using annotation strategies. DO NOW: Introduce Grammar Bytes Reading: “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” 1.Cornell Notes/Annotations 2.Questions SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 Thursday

5 AGENDA: September 12, 2013 I can… I can analyze a story for plot elements DO NOW: KNOWSYS Activity #4 & check HW Reading: Complete “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” and discuss character traits and Motivations SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Unit #2 Quiz TODAY

6 AGENDA: September 13, 2013 I can… I can analyze literary text for plot, point of view, and character traits. DO NOW: Look over notes for TEST Literature & Reading Assessment SUMMER READING ASSESSMENT: Sept. 20! HW: Work on Summer Reading Review

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