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 Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 Long-Lasting Fungus Treatment for Large Buildings May 2013.

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1  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 Long-Lasting Fungus Treatment for Large Buildings May 2013

2 How did We Get Fungus?  Building defects: gaps which let in humid air and spores  Dirty A/C system  Poor air filtration on all AC equipment  Uncontrolled humidity: above 55% relative humidity  Unsealed building materials: wallboard, wood, MDF  Organic wallpaper with cellulose glue: food source  Water damage followed by high temperatures Once you have been hit with Fungus infestation, You will need specialist treatment to remove it  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

3 Is Fungus Dangerous?  Depends on the amount and scale of the infestation  Gets into the lungs and the respiratory system and can cause sickness  Some fungus species are more toxic than others  People with asthma suffer badly  Children and old people and people who are taking antibiotics are highest risk group  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 Fungus in a hospital is a serious health risk to patients

4 Some Examples of Infestation  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 Fungus on concrete Fungus on wallboard

5 Fungus around switch Fungus above headboard Some Examples of Infestation  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

6 Fungus Infestation  If your building is infested with Fungus, it will NOT go away without treatment  Wiping it off with water does not kill the fungus  The cloths used for wiping carry the spores to new areas  Bleach only works while it is wet -once it dries the fungus grows back again  Fungus mainly grows where it cannot be seen – in darkness  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 All infested building materials must be stripped out and replaced THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!

7 Fungus Treatment  Find the source of the problem –Seal all building leaks –Clean the AC system and use high quality filters –Control humidity within acceptable limits –Dry any water damage  Replace all infested building materials  Treat new materials before using them in the building  Treat ALL infested areas with an effective mouldicide  Use AM 500 to prevent fungus returning  Treat all surfaces in the building for long-lasting protection  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

8 Example Of Us At Work  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

9 AM 500 Kills Fungus  Health Canada approved product to prevent fungus from returning  Fogged, sprayed, wiped onto any surface  Non-toxic  Does not smell  Does not stain  Stays on surfaces for + 6 months!  Rooms available 60 minutes after treatment  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

10  AM 500 bonds to all surfaces, and prevents bacterial, viral and fungal growth  Microbes land on the “spikes” and are destroyed – no mutation into “super-bugs”!  No other product gives the same long-lasting protection - FACT! How It Works AFM microscope photo of AM500 on a surface  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013

11 Your One Stop Solution  Microbe tests of Property  Fungus treatment  Anti-microbial protection for all surfaces in hotel –Building materials, wallpaper, paint, carpets, fabrics, furniture, linen, curtains, artwork, hard and porous surfaces  Canadian Antibacterial Solutions Inc. 2013 Contact: Sean Patrick, Managing Director Telephone: 1-705-521-0945

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