Homeless Management Information System Donna Curley – HMIS Project Manager.

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2 Homeless Management Information System Donna Curley – HMIS Project Manager

3  A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a computerized data collection tool specifically designed to capture client-level, system-wide information over time on the characteristics and services needs of men, women, and children experiencing homelessness.  We must know what the need is, and we get that by collecting data

4  The data collection is based on HUD’s, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National, Data Standards establish baseline values for participation, data collection, privacy and security

5  HMIS allows the aggregation of client-level data across homeless service agencies to generate unduplicated counts and service patterns of clients served.

6  HMIS records and stores: ◦ Client Intake  Demographics  Basic assessment of needs  Bed utilization ◦ Service Tracking  Services delivered by a provider  Services received by clients  Gaps in the homeless services in a community

7  Every Continuum of Care (CoC) is required to implement an HMIS and is scored annually in the CoC NOFA.  Local HMIS data is critical for the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR).  Implementation of HMIS at the local level can support coordinated case management. 6

8 https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/2012-AHAR-Volume-2.pdf

9  HMIS Benefits all stakeholders: ◦ Homeless Individuals & Families ◦ Service Providers ◦ CoC, Policy Makers, and Government  HMIS does more than just collect data

10 Thank you New Hampshire HMIS

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