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Rainforest Desert Oceans Created by Leanna Prater Credits.

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Presentation on theme: "Rainforest Desert Oceans Created by Leanna Prater Credits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainforest Desert Oceans Created by Leanna Prater Credits

2 Rainforest Back to Habitats I’ll play a game.
I’ll take you on a tour of the rainforest I can explain the rainforest zones. Click me to come back here Back to Habitats


4 Emergents EMERGENTS: Giant trees that are much higher
than the average canopy height. It houses many birds and insects. Click to go to Back

5 Canopy CANOPY: The upper parts of the trees. This leafy environment is full of life in a tropical rainforest and includes: insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, and more. Click to go to Back

6 Understory UNDERSTORY: A dark, cool environment under the leaves
but over the ground. Click to go to Back

7 Forest Floor FOREST FLOOR: Teeming with animal life, especially insects. The largest animals in the rainforest generally live here. Click to go to Back

8 Rainforest Game Can you click on the Understory?

9 OOPS! Try Again

10 Great Job!! Can you click on the Canopy?

11 OOPS! Try Again

12 Great Job!! Can you click on the Forest Floor?

13 OOPS! Try Again

14 Great Job!! Can you click on the Emergents?

15 OOPS! Try Again

16 You’re an official Rainforest Expert!
Great Job!! You’re an official Rainforest Expert! Back to Habitats

17 I will show you animals that live in the ocean.
Click on me to create an ocean scene. I will show you animals that live in the ocean. Click to visit the Coral Reefs Click on me to come back here. Back to Habitats

18 Click on an animal to learn more.

19 Dolphins They are mammals that need air to breathe. They rise to the water’s surface every few minutes. They are between four and twenty feet long. Under their skin is a layer of fat that is called, “blubber” that keeps them warm. View the parts of a dolphin. Back to Ocean Animals

20 Click on a name to learn more.
Back to Ocean Animals

21 Dorsal Fin A dorsal fin which is on top of the
dolphin's back is used for balancing. Back to dolphin

22 Pectoral Flipper The flippers on each side of the dolphin
are used to help steer. Back to dolphin

23 Tail Flukes The two lobes on the dolphin's tail are called
flukes. These push the dolphin through the water at speeds of 3-7 miles per hour. It can swim as fast as 22 miles per hour for short distances. Back to dolphin

24 Rostrum The dolphin's beak-shaped snout is called a
rostrum. It may have anywhere from 12 to 200 teeth, which none will be lost in their lifetime. Back to dolphin

25 Eyes The dolphin has eyes on either side of its head. Back to dolphin

26 Blowhole Located on top of a dolphin's head is a blowhole.
A dolphin must rise to the surface every couple of minutes to get air, or it would die. Back to dolphin

27 WHALES Whales eat fish, squid and other small marine animals.
Whales can grow to be 100 feet long and weigh 200 pounds. There are more than 40 different kinds of whales. Back to Ocean Animals

28 Turtles Sea turtles must swim to the ocean surface to breathe every few minutes. When they are resting, they can remain underwater for as long as 2 hours without breathing. Sea Turtles are carnivores, which means they eat meat. Back to Ocean Animals

29 FISH Click on a fish to learn more about it. Back to Ocean Animals

30 Stone Fish Stone fish are the deadliest fish.
Their bodies camouflage them well against coral and mud and allow them to surprise small fish and other prey. Found in tropical waters, stonefish use their 13 poisonous spines along their backs only in self-defense. Back to fish

31 Angler Fish Deep sea anglers have lures that glow
in the dark. They use these lures to attract other fish. They are masters of disguise as they bury themselves in sand and hide among the rocks. Back to fish

32 Scorpion Fish Scorpion fish have venom as deadly as a scorpion.
They have large heads, poisonous spiky fins, and spikes so large that they can vacuum up their prey whole as it swims by. Back to fish

33 Lion Fish Slow and beautiful, the lionfish is one coral
reef animal you do not want to cuddle. While their colorful stripes and long fins make them favorites, the lionfish's spines are loaded with venom. An injection of venom from a lionfish can be deadly and will always make you very sick. Back to fish

34 Sharks Sharks ruled the oceans even before dinosaurs
roamed the land. They have been around for about 400 million years. Sharks have a lifetime supply of teeth.  Worldwide, few people are attacked in an average year by sharks. Back to Ocean Animals

35 Octopus Octopus can grows to fifteen feet in length
and weighs more than one hundred pounds, The smallest, the Californian, only reaches 3/8 to one inch in length. The octopus has a soft body with a well-developed brain, similar to a human's. It is known to be very intelligent Back to Ocean Animals

36 Desert Back to Habitats
I will show you animals that live in the desert. I’ll take you on a desert tour! Back to Habitats

37 Deserts In Our World Back to Deserts

38 Gobi The Gobi Desert is located in Mongolia, China. It is considered
a cold desert. It was named Gobi because of all of the small stones called “gobies” located there. Many animals are also found there, like lizards and gazelles. click here if you would like to know more about the Gobi Desert,. Back

39 Anarctic Desert Believe it or not, the average rain fall in the Antarctic is less than 2 inches annually. This desert doesn’t experience a lot of evaporation, so all of the snow that falls stays for hundreds of years! It is the coldest and windiest desert, but some plants like algae will grow there! Back

40 Sonoran Located in southwestern Arizona
and southwestern California, this Desert is over 120,00 square miles. It is the hottest desert in North America! In the western part of the desert, seasonal storms allow for flowering plants. It’s a phenomenon that is not limited to this desert, but occurs in other deserts as well! Back

Jungle Links: Picture and text for Rainforest from Zoom Rainforest Enchanted Learning Jungle Clip art from Tool Factory Banana from Garden Graphics Ocean Links Desert Links: Back

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