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U.S. Culture & Church Planting Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age (Notes taken from Ed Stetzer’s book)

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Culture & Church Planting Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age (Notes taken from Ed Stetzer’s book)"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Culture & Church Planting Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age (Notes taken from Ed Stetzer’s book)

2 Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.  Modern Era (Age of Reason – 1950) Builders (50 million)  Transition Era (Starting around 1950) Boomers (70 million)  Postmodern Era (1965 to Present) Busters (30 million) Millennials (70 million) Babies (10 Million)

3 Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.  Builders (Modern Era) Self-sufficient Individualistic Personal responsibility

4 Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.  Boomers (Transition Era) First generation raised with absentee fathers First generation that grandparents had no significant impact on their lives Most educated generation in history Raised with extreme affluence & opportunities Less purchasing power than parents at each stage of adulthood Raised under the threat of nuclear war First generation with television as a significant parenting tool

5 Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.  Boomers & their church Open to spiritual experiences Bible studies emphasizes practical living Place a healthy emphasis on relationships Have fewer titles and less formality Understand the new family in America Share their faith by what they say and do Recognize the ability of women Place emphasis on worship High tolerance for diversity Action oriented

6 Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.  Postmoderns Denial of personal objectivity Uncertainty of knowledge Death of any all-inclusive explanation Denial of the inherent goodness of knowledge Rejection of progress Supremacy of community-based knowledge Disbelief in objective inquiry

7  Modernism Naturalism – reality consists of what is observed Humanism – humanity is the pinnacle of the universe Scientific Method – right method brings explains reality Reductionism – humanity the highest developed animal Progress – enough knowledge will continue progress Nature – evolution, not creator, the source of life Certainty – knowledge is objective Determinism – events happen because of fixed causes Individualism – supremacy of the individual Anti-authoritarianism – people are not under constraints Broad Cultural Groups – U.S.

8 Planting Churches - Postmoderns  Ten most frequent traits to plant a church Being transparently spiritual Striving for an incarnational ministry Service oriented Allowing for experiential praise in worship Preaching narrative expository messages Valuing and participating in ancient patterns Worship with visual Technological utilized Community atmosphere Transparent team leadership

9 Planting Churches - Postmoderns  Representative culture Prefer decisions made on their behalf Leadership is to provide guidance & regulation Work for reward People cannot be trusted with personal freedom in service to society  Participatory culture - postmodern Have multiple choices and make their own Leadership is empowering others to lead People make sacrifices for the good of whole People can be trusted to use their resources wisely Postmodern Pilgrims by Len Sweet

10 Spiritual Decision Process Model -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 Awareness of a supreme being only Initial awareness of the gospel Awareness of gospel fundamentals Grasp of implications of the gospel Positive attitude toward the gospel Personal problem recognition Decision to act Repentance & faith in Christ The person is regenerated & becomes a new creature +1 +2 +3 Post-decision evaluation Incorporation into the Body Lifetime of growth in Christ Make Disciples ETERNITY Nurture Source: Spectrum, Winter, p. 5 rejection Engel Scale

11 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Gray Metrix – Desire for people to move toward “C”

12 Planting Churches - Postmoderns

13  Stetzer’s Suggested Evangelistic Methods Meeting and engaging unchurched people Relationship building Marketplace farming (intentional routines) Prospect cards (keeping track of contacts) Existing relationships Three-minute rule Every-Sunday registration Welcome cards Guest follow-up Door-to-door survey through mission teams

14 Planting Churches - Postmoderns  Initiate church plant with core group Members from sponsoring church Recruit temporary people from other churches Leadership from other nearby churches Recruit people who want to plant new churches

15 Planting Churches - Postmoderns

16 American’s Spiritual Needs – Gallup Poll  70% of Americans say the church is not meeting their needs – they desire to: Believe life is meaningful and has purpose Have a sense of community and deeper relationships Be appreciated and respected Be listened to and heard Grow in faith Receive practical help in developing a mature faith From Dale Galloway, The Small Group Book

17 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant  Small Group Worship Prayer Bible Study Discussion oriented, not lecture Prepare leading questions Stay focused Avoid sidetracks Use the same Bible text Make the point Formulate questions carefully Use the power of silence Draw the conclusion Fellowship

18 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant

19 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant

20 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant

21 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant

22 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant Worship style should be biblical and fit the culture

23 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant  Reasons for sponsoring a daughter church Evangelize the unchurched Develop new leaders Grow the kingdom Transmit a lasting legacy Meet ethnic and language group needs Glorify God

24 Planting Churches - Postmoderns Effective Elements for New Church Plant  Planting a Daughter Church Select a mission committee Select a target area Select a sponsoring church Cultivate the target area Start home Bible studies Begin a mission chapel (public worship) Plan the finances Secure the facilities Constitute the church

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