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Chapter 21 Protist and Fungi.

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1 Chapter 21 Protist and Fungi

2 Protists are the most diverse of all eukaryotes
protists: eukaryotes that are not animals, plants, or fungi but show characteristics of those kingdoms.

3 Protist Introduction

4 Diversity of Protists Can be microscopic or can be extremely large.
Can be single celled or can be multi-celled. Can be autotrophic or heterotropic

5 Protists are broken into 3 different groups…

6 1. Animal Like Protists (protozoans)
Animal like protists are heterotrophs Eat bacteria, other protists, non-living organic matter Lack cell wall Live in most aquatic environments & some in body fluids

7 Protozoans are broken down into different groups by how they move.
Zooflagellates Use flagella to move Ciliates Have cilia to move Or feed Pseudopods “false foot” Use cytoplasm to move

8 Examples of Protozoans
Paramecium: Cilliate found in ponds Stentor Ciliate that uses cilia around mouth to feed. Plasmodium Protozoan that causes malaria Giardia Zooflagellate that can lead to giardiasis.

9 Fungus Like Protists Decomposers
Obtain energy from breaking down dead organic matter Cell wall made of cellulose and not chitin Examples: Slime molds

10 Plant Like Protists Autotrophs Obtain energy through photosynthesis
All contain chloroplast to photosynthesize Can be single celled Euglena: Flagellate that uses an eyespot to detect light. When light is not present it can become heterotrophic Plant Like Protists

11 Plant Like Protists Colonial: volvox
Several single celled plant like protist that live and function together. Euglena have both characteristics of plants and animals

12 Fungus Kingdom 2nd kingdom of eukaryotes
Characterized by decomposition

13 Parts of a fungi Reproductive Structure Hyphae Mycelium
Part above ground that is seen. Used to characterize the fungus Hyphae Cytoplasmic threads with chitin cell walls Mycelium Mat of hyphae underground

14 Mycelium carry out the decomposition process.
Absorptive nutrition Mycelium release enzymes to break down material and then absorbs the digested material

15 How do Fungi Reproduce? Spores:
Released into the air or water to allow fungi to reproduce asexually Able to withstand harsh, dry environmental conditions.

16 Types of Fungi Club fungi Mold Yeast Typical mushrooms Imperfect fungi
Only reproduce asexually

17 Roles of Fungus Help with decomposition and adding nutrients to soil.
LICHEN Fungus and algae 1st to grow on rocks and help to create soil Mycorrhizae Fungus increases the surface area of plant roots Food Cheese, bread, beer

18 Roles of Fungi Disease Athletes foot yeast infections
dutch elm disease chytrid fungus.

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