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Lesson 5 Ayahs 17-20 November 16 th, 2013. Recap Hypocrites considered the believers foolish When they met with their leaders (evil ones) they would side.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5 Ayahs 17-20 November 16 th, 2013. Recap Hypocrites considered the believers foolish When they met with their leaders (evil ones) they would side."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5 Ayahs 17-20 November 16 th, 2013

2 Recap Hypocrites considered the believers foolish When they met with their leaders (evil ones) they would side with them The cowardice of hypocrites Hypocrites mock and joke about imaan Hypocrites traded guidance for misguidance Homework?

3 TODAY’S LESSON AYAHS 17-20 Last ayahs on hypocrisy Next week inshAllah we will talk about the believers

4 Ayah 17 These verses present 2 examples to illustrate the behaviour of hypocrites Why use examples?

5 Ayah 17 2 Types of Hypocrisy 1. In Aqeedah (belief system); in their heart, they disbelieve (this is the first example) 2. Those who have nifaaq in their actions; in their hearts, they believe, but some of his/her actions are hypocritical. This is the second example Condition of the hypocrites: first in shirk and darkness, then the Prophet SAW gave them light but then the light extinguished so they went back into darkness

6 Ayah 17

7 Misl: similar; explaining something intangible/abstract through that which is tangible Waw Qaaf Daal – fuel; istawqada: to light a fire OR to ask someone to light the fire Naar: both heat and light in a fire

8 Ayah 17 In the context: The person who lit fire in the darkness of disbelief, shirk, oppression and doubt The Prophet SAW is the person who lit the fire The fire is the light of guidance

9 Ayah 17 Adhaaw’at: bright and also has heat; such light that has a red tinge to it Hawlahu: around him; Illuminated means that you can see what is right or wrong; What pleases Allah and what doesn’t Truth and False are clearly distinguished.

10 Ayah 17 Dhahaba: literally: gold; but gold doesn’t always stay, and there’s always a fear of losing gold/losing its value Technically: It went Noor: Light that has no heat in it; in order to see something you need 2 lights: one outside, and one from your own vision

11 Ayah 17 Taking away their light, or light went away: Allah SWT took away their guidance Allah abandoned these people in darkness

12 Ayah 17 Dhulumaat: Oppression will be in darkness on the Day of Judgment; they’re unable to see the truth Why did Allah take away their light? Because first they believed and they disbelieved, therefore, their hearts are sealed over. They didn’t benefit from the light, as a result, it was taken away. There were no problems with the light, problem was within their hearts Allah SWT does not allow people to play with His deen Allah SWT took away their ability to comprehend

13 Ayah 18

14 Asawm: a cork; prevents anything from going in or out of it; a person whose hearing is blocked. Their state of being unable to listen to the truth and they don’t accept it Abkam: for a person who cant speak or who has never spoken or can’t comprehend; they’re unable to speak out the truth or that which is good (in this context)

15 Ayah 18 A’ama: blind to the truth and path of guidance; as well as to the clear signs Rejaa: they will not return to the light because whatever they thing they are doing is right, so they will never change their ways Allah took away their light; Islam is not extinguished, but their ability is gone

16 Ayah 19


18 Aw: doesn’t always convey the meaning of “or”, could be “and” or “another example” Swoob: to hit the target; hits where it should strike; used for a heavy rain fall, that is accompanied by a lot of thunder and lightning Asm’aa: anything that is above you or covers you; used for ceiling, clouds, or sky Dholumaat: layers of darkness; the night, the clouds, the heavy rain Ra’d: the sound of thunder followed by lightning (lit. movement) Barq: the flash of lightning visible in the clouds

19 Example in Ayah 19 Heavy Rain: revelation one after the other, its like rain coming from the sky which benefits us (similar to revelation, which is food for the soul) Dholumaat: disbelief, doubts, hypocrisy Thunder: the threat of punishment Lightning: the clear evidences; guidance They put their fingers in their ears because they don’t want to hear the threat of punishment

20 Example in Ayah 19 Sawaaiqi: literally to faint; it falls upon the earth and causes injury, destruction and death Hadhara: a fear from which a person is taking precaution; but putting fingers in your ears isn’t going to save you from that fear Thunderbolts: Refers to the commands that seem difficult to the hypocrites, for example, giving zakaah. They felt that these commands would kill them. Hypocrites know they are wrong because they think that every shout is against them (guilty conscience)

21 Ayah 19 : to encircle something from all sides. All of their actions are known to Allah SWT. Also, He has encircled them with His power, so that they can’t escape Him. Their fear and precaution won’t help them at all Yakhtaffu: to snatch something quickly. The lightning will take away their vision because their vision is already weak

22 Ayah 19 Kufr is of several types: 1. Outwardly to say you don’t believe 2. Arrogance ex. Iblees, not submitting to the truth 3. Doubt and suspicion in the 6 articles of faith 4. Turning away from the truth knowingly 5. Hypocrisy

23 Ayah 20

24 Verse 20 Every time there is an easy command, they walk (obey a little bit) but if there’s a difficult command, (darkness) then they stop (stand). The deen is not this person’s priority and only follows it when there are no sacrifices required, or only when its convenient. Eventually, they will completely lose their faith (i.e. completely lose their vision or comprehension)

25 Ayah 20 Qaaf daal raa: ability/power; also to plan (Allah SWT can give and take these abilities away from them) The longer you leave the more “difficult” commands, the more difficult it becomes; take the challenge instead of just standing

26 Ayah 20 3 Ways this example can be understood: 1. Intensity of confusion of the hypocrites; they can’t see 2. Rain becomes harmful when accompanied by lightning and thunder; hypocrites are insincere, because its only outward belief (it looks good on the outside) 3. Hypocrites outward expression of belief will not save them from Allah’s retribution (ex. Putting fingers in your ears is not going to save you from a storm)


28 Word for Word Translation Activity

29 Until Next Week… Review the word for word translation Share with family and friends Reflect on hypocrisy – Analyze yourself! Play ayahs 1-20 and see if you understand the Arabic Surah Fatihah Quiz!

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