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Reading to Comprehend and Learn PSQ5R Formula for Reading Papers or Textbooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading to Comprehend and Learn PSQ5R Formula for Reading Papers or Textbooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading to Comprehend and Learn PSQ5R Formula for Reading Papers or Textbooks

2 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method PSQ5R formula for learning from reading in an EFFICIENT MANNER

3 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method PSQ5R basic formula P=Purpose S=Survey-Skim Q=Question R=Read Selectively, Recite Reduce-Record Reflect Review

4 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method P=Purpose Why are you reading this article or chapter, and what do you want to get out of it?

5 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method S=Survey-Skim Glance over the main features of the piece. Read titles, heading, subtitles, summaries, conclusions, questions, vocabulary Find the focus or central theme of the text. Ask what is it all about? What is the author’s perceptive? Should not take more than 2-3 minutes.

6 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method Q=Question Compose question that you intend to answer. 1. What do I already know about the topic? 2. Make the first heading a question— something that will help you to focus on when reading. I.e. What were….? How do….?

7 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method R=Read Selectively Read to find answers to your questions. The first sentence may provide you with the answers. In some instances, you will have to read each paragraph carefully to understand the next one. In general look for the ideas, information, evidence to fulfill your purpose.

8 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method R=Recite Without looking at the text, recite the answers to the questions. Use your own words as much as possible. If you are unable to do so, refer back to the material.

9 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method R=Reduce-Record Make a brief outline of your questions and answers.

10 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method R=Reflect To increase comprehension and retention, “elaborate” on the new information. This means reflection. View the material from several different ways. Compare and contrast the material. Relate one part to another. Connect/association it to prior knowledge and experiences. Organize and reorganize the material.

11 PSQ5R Textbook Reading Method R=Review Go over your notes in the textbook margin or on paper and your text book highlights to see the material holistically. This helps organize the information and pulls it all together. During your review recite the information. Do this review at the end of each week.

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