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You Have Much To Learn Grasshopper

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1 You Have Much To Learn Grasshopper
You Have Much To Learn Grasshopper! Advanced Parametric and Procedural Modelling. Tim Riefenberg NELSON/3RD CANVAS

2 NELSON – BIM specialist + Visual Director
Tim Riefenberg NELSON – BIM specialist + Visual Director 3rd Canvas - Developer SCAD 2005 Arch + VSFX

3 Parametric and Procedural Modelling
INDEX SOFTWARE USED REVIT 2012 VASARI ( Piloted program Available in Autodesk’s LABS) DYNAMO( Visual Scripting plug-in for Revit ) PYTHON ( Scripting Language ) HOUDINI (PROCEDURAL Base Modeller) RHINO ( 3d modeller NURBS Modeller) GRASSHOPPER ( Visual Scripting plug-in for Rhino ) LEARN THE BASIC’S Learn the foundation of a procedure. The principles of tools! Don’t get isolated by one software. Focus on the idea of How the software works! FUTURE OF SOFTWARE IS MORE DATA! Equals more coding Streamlined Processes + THERES GOT TO BE AN EASIER WAY!

4 Parametric and Procedural Modelling
Why parametric and procedural Modelling? Workflows Creating an controlled Design Organic and free-form design Creating DATA Numbers behind the Design Data can be organized and extracted Forward workflows NO SKETCHUP! Formulas and Scripting can control design as well extract the data out to the raw-format.

5 Parametric and Procedural Modelling

6 Parametric Modelling What is Parametric?
An object having constraints controlled by an value REVIT – Parameters control these values Parameters can be User Created or Using default values Creating Parameters Choose Family or Shared Follow a Naming Standard (underscores) Choose the correct Type Type or Instance?

7 Parametric Modelling Type of Parameter Text Integer Number Length Area
Volume Angle Slope Currency URL Material Yes/No Parameters Carry on Integer ( Many software packages uses)

8 Parametric Modelling Building Relationships with Object’s in REVIT
Create correct Reference Lines or Planes Set the appropriate origin Attach objects to the Reference Lines Adding new parameters to dimensions

9 Parametric Modelling

10 Parametric Modelling Embedded Family Parameters
Develop A plan of action Limit amount of parameters needed Build your model with the right amount of objects with the appropriate parameters for that object Follow a naming standard Are Formulas needed?

11 Parametric Modelling Formulas Keep it simple Take your time
Check your naming conventions

Parametric Modelling UNDERSTAND Formulas + Conditional Operators < Less Than < Greater Than = Equal to / Divide By AND Both statements are true OR One of the statements are true NOT Statement is false FUTURE OF SOFTWARE IS MORE DATA! = MORE CODING LEARN IT NOW INSTEAD OF LATER

13 Parametric Modelling Formulas Its simple Math Swap names For Numbers!
Length / Column_Array = 20’ / 5 Length / max_spacing = 20’ / 4’ Columns total = 5

14 Parametric Modelling Line-Based Parametric Array
Develop the correct parameters per family component Add the right formulas in the right place Test your family first before inserting into project

15 Parametric Modelling Visual Slider Controls For Parameters
Several add-ins are available online- as well at Autodesk’s Lab’s

16 Parametric Modelling Panel Based Array Column Array Parametric Windows
Parametric Concrete Cut Patterns

17 Parametric Modelling

18 Parametric Modelling

19 Parametric Modelling Conceptual Mass Modelling In Vasari
Project Vasari 2.5 – Available on Autodesk Lab’s currently Develop Parametric Profiles to define Shape Control splines of Mass Model Divide Surfaces Reference points Build Levels Set Parameters to Points and Levels

20 Parametric Modelling Reference Points and Planes
Vasari is limited on Design know its limits Use what you’ve learned so far Place as many or as little parameters as needed Reference Points and Planes Rotation values control Mid profile Length controls reference points controlling spline of extrusion

21 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling
Start with Conceptual Mass Develop Reference lines and points Divide surface by using standard pattern Determine What Curtain panel shape you prefer Develop Parameters for object control Determine whether or not you need an adaptive component shape?

22 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling

23 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling

24 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling Adaptive component
Create parametric controlled object


26 Procedural Modelling WHO USES PYTHON?
What is Python? Scripting language that gives you the eyes to Revit’s API Why Python? It’s free (open source code) What is its use? Energy analysis Available RAW data of surfaces or objects Currently available with REVIT 2012 and VASARI 2.5 Python Shell

27 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling Using Python

28 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling Using Python

29 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling
Nucleus Modelling In Vasari Create Dynamically controlled surfaces Uses physics rules to manipulate form Adding constraints to lock points Using colliders to interact with the appropriate surface for the desired design

30 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling
Nucleus Modelling In Vasari

31 Parametric Modelling Parametric Surface Modelling
Nucleus Modelling In Vasari Organic Modeller

32 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Procedural Modeller HOUDINI <VSFX NURBS MODELER Node based modelling Workflow Tree Edit one edit all

33 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Procedural Modeller HOUDINI <VSFX NURBS MODELER

34 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Procedural Modeller HOUDINI <VSFX NURBS MODELER

35 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Procedural Modeller HOUDINI <VSFX

36 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Visual scripting comes from Procedural Modellers of the Past. Like Houdini Using Vasari with Dynamo one can control form based on Node Scripting

37 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Dynamo is and plug-in available in the Autodesk’s labs currently Available Nodes (ex. Plane , Line , Integer , XYZ ) Change and mass population with loading available families

38 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Grasshopper is an Plug-In available for RHINO Rhino Is a 3d Modelling Software very similar to 3D Studio Max Rhino’s Lighting and available plug-ins are easier to accomplished as compared to 3D’s Exporting geometry from Rhino to Revit Formats .dwg .dxf .3ds .fbx .sat

39 Procedural Based Modelling
Exporting Geometry from Rhino to REVIT Bake Geometry Optimize geometry and limit control points for functionality. Acis/SAT only recognizes solids. Extruded forms have issues Test your objects. Brought into 3ds Check normals and triangulation Revit Might have to explode objects to manipulate

40 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling GRASSHOPPER Operators In Grasshopper Each Operator or Node is organized by Category Parameters , Surface , Mesh etc. Parameters – Integers (INPUTS) Add expressions or variables Multiply / Divide /Subtract / Add

41 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling GRASSHOPPER NODES

42 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling GRASSHOPPER NODES

43 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Grasshopper Node based scripting Start with define the over shape(nurbs based modeling) Build your network small before going large Operators Surface X,Y

44 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Grasshopper Parametric controlled attractors can manipulate geometry Array pattern Width opening controlled by Diameter

45 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Grasshopper Parametric controlled attractors + UV NODES + COMIBINED

46 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Grasshopper Node based script to create organic forms. Organic forms Add attractors to define voids in geometry Create operators to reshape the characteristics Of how the form JOINS. Bake Geometry Export to Revit ?

47 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Either Spline based array Organic forms Limitations beyond the curve Mess of geometry Available of .ghx files on request

48 Procedural Based Modelling
Procedural Modelling using Visual Scripting Procedural Modeller’s similarity HOUDINI DYNAMO GRASSHOPPER UNITY (JAVASCRIPT) = CODE IS THE BACKBONE


50 Tim Riefenberg NELSON/ 3rd Canvas

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