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Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)1 Age management: a new challenge for HRM? Summer academy- Business&Society Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)1 Age management: a new challenge for HRM? Summer academy- Business&Society Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)1 Age management: a new challenge for HRM? Summer academy- Business&Society Belgium

2 Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)2 Challenges More efficiency (means): People implication Organizational commitment Workers satisfaction / special needs Intergenerational cooperation Knowledge and expertise transfert Competencies Management More effectiveness (goals): Relations and satisfaction of customers / users Products and services linked with the needs of people of different generations.

3 Paradox …. Some academic researchers think that age don’t generate differential behaviors / age is not a criteria for HRM In the field, managers said that they observe differential behaviors between the generations / they don’t understand some generations, like Y generations ! Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)3

4 Looking for difference … Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)4 < 30 youth 30- 50 mediors  50  seniors Chronological age

5 Generations approach (values, history, norms) Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)5 Y > 1978-1981 X 1962-1964 1978-1981 Baby-boomers (<1962-1964) Work sense Worlife balance Gender / linked between sex Organisational structure Workforce market Internationalisa tion / mondialisation TIC using Vendramin, P. (2007).

6 Living same events … War After-war (growing) May 68 – 70th Crisis 1973-1980 Growing – mondialisation / IT time WTC – 2011 : terrorism / religion radicalisation > 2008 : financial crisis / social network Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)6

7 7 Cycle Life <35 ans35-50+50 (seniors) SingleXXX Couple without children XXX Couple with children <12 XXX Couple with children >12 XX Others families (older parents, etc.) XXX

8 Implication for HRM Age management Some specificities / but also some similarities General / specific needs (linked with age, cycle life, etc.) Intersectionnality : age / generation X gender (W /M) X socio-culturel class / race X level of qualification Legislation and socio-culturel context Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)8

9 Références Pichault, F., & Pleyers, M. (2010). Pour en finir avec la génération Y... Enquête sur une représentation managériale. Paper presented at the Nouveaux comportements, nouvelle GRH, St Malo. Tremblay, D. G. (2005). De la conciliation emploi-famille à une politique des temps sociaux. Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec. Twenge, J. M. (2010). A review of the empirical evidence on generational differences in work attitudes.. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(2), 201-210. Vendramin, P. (2007). Temps, rythmes de travail et conciliation des temps sociaux Rapport de l’enquête « Temps et travail »,. Namur: FTU Namur, Belgique. Cornet Annie- Hec - Ulg (Université de Liège)9

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