PHYS16 – Lecture 11 Ch. 6 Circular Motion

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1 PHYS16 – Lecture 11 Ch. 6 Circular Motion

2 Circular Motion – Definitions – Tangential vs. Radial – Angular position, velocity, acceleration Uniform circular motion –α=0 – Uniform vs. Nonuniform – Centripetal Force Solving problems with Circular Motion Ch. 6 Circular Motion

3 Circular Motion pre-question Tarzan is swinging across a lake on a vine that may not support his weight. What is the most likely point for the vine to break at? A C B D

4 Circular Motion pre-question An object is swung in uniform circular motion vertically. Where is the tangential acceleration the greatest? A)At the top of the circle B)At the bottom of the circle C)At the point midway between top and bottom D)At both the top and bottom of the circle E)None of the above

5 Circular Motion pre-question A pickup has a crate of apples in its bed. The pickup makes a right turn and the once stationary crate accelerates to the left with respect to the truck bed and hits the side of the pickup. In which direction is a force acting on the crate? A)To the right B)To the left C)Not enough information

6 Uniform Circular Motion

7 Non-uniform circular motion – both a T and a C Uniform circular motion – α =0 only centripetal accel. (a C )

8 Centripetal Force Force pointing radially inward that keeps an object going in a circular path

9 Demo – Ball on String with meter/mass

10 Discussion Questions If I spin a mass in a vertical circle: – Do I apply a constant force to maintain a constant linear speed? – Where is the string most likely to break? If I spin a bucket of water in a vertical circle: – Where is the most likely spot the water will fall out? – Does the water fall out? No, gravity too. At the bottom. At the top. No, inertia.

11 Inertial Forces Centrifugal reaction – inertia of object causes it to stay along the same path until acted on by a force Centrifugal Reaction

12 Demo: Jar and Ball

13 Solving Problems with Circular Motion

14 Process of solving problems 1)Read the problem carefully! 2)Draw a picture (Trick – Free Body Diagram) 3)Write down the given quantities (Trick – remember Third Law) 4)Write down what you should solve for 5)Identify the eqns./concepts you should use (Trick – Second Law & separate into x/y) 6) Do the math and solve

15 Pendulum A bob of mass, m, swings in an arc. At angle, θ, what is the centripetal acceleration? What is the tangential acceleration?

16 Conclusions Angular position, velocity, and acceleration – Angular displacement vs. arc length – Angular vs. linear velocity – Angular vs. linear acceleration Uniform circular motion –α=0 – Centripetal Force

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