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Athens/Sparta Paragraph

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Presentation on theme: "Athens/Sparta Paragraph"— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens/Sparta Paragraph

2 Prompt: Question word! Write a paragraph telling me which of the two city-states (Athens or Sparta) you would rather live in. Include at least three fact-based reasons from your notes. Topic Sentence: States the main idea. Concluding Sentence: Re-states the main idea. Detail Sentences: Include all the information requested.

3 Topic Sentence I would rather live in _____ than in _____ for three reasons: _____, _____ and _____.

4 Organization secret: BUCKETS!!!

5 Organize your facts (bucketing):
Reason Bucket Fact Reason Bucket Fact Reason

6 Concluding Sentence: So, because of _____, _____ and _____, I would rather live in _____.

7 Example Topic Sentence:
I would rather live in _____ than in _____ for three reasons: _____, _____ and _____.

8 Example Topic Sentence:
I would rather live in Florida than in New York for three reasons: _____, _____ and _____.

9 Organize your facts (bucketing):
Reason Bucket Fact Reason Bucket Fact Reason

10 Start with the facts: Bucket It snows in NY. Reason Bucket
Income tax in NY Reason Bucket FL has beaches Reason

11 Why do the facts matter:
Bucket It snows in NY. I don’t like to shovel snow. Bucket Income tax in NY I keep more $$ Bucket FL has beaches I like to go to the beach

12 I don’t like to shovel snow.
Label your buckets: Weather It snows in NY. I don’t like to shovel snow. Taxes Income tax in NY I keep more $$ Beaches FL has beaches I like to go to the beach

13 Example Topic Sentence:
I would rather live in Florida than in New York for three reasons: _____, _____ and _____.

14 Example Topic Sentence:
I would rather live in Florida than in New York for three reasons: weather, taxes and beaches.

15 Back to the buckets for details:
Weather It snows in NY. I don’t like to shovel snow. Taxes Income tax in NY I keep more $$ Beaches FL has beaches I like to go to the beach

16 Example detail sentences:
My first reason is the weather. It snows in New York, and I don’t like to shovel snow. My second reason is taxes. New York has a state income tax, and Florida does not. I would prefer to keep more of my paycheck. Finally, my third reason is the beaches. Florida has more beaches than New York, and I like to go to the beach.

17 Concluding Sentence: So, because of _____, _____ and _____, I would rather live in _____.

18 Concluding Sentence: So, because of the weather, taxes and the beaches, I would rather live in Florida.

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