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The Christ Follower’s Hardest Work. What is Prayer?  Communication With God  Prayer is request to a personal LORD who answers as He knows best.

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Presentation on theme: "The Christ Follower’s Hardest Work. What is Prayer?  Communication With God  Prayer is request to a personal LORD who answers as He knows best."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Christ Follower’s Hardest Work

2 What is Prayer?  Communication With God  Prayer is request to a personal LORD who answers as He knows best

3 Effective Prayer “Effective Prayer must be a scripturally informed response of persons saved by grace, to the living God who can hear and answer on the basis of Christ’s payment of the penalty which sinners deserved” Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary p. 866

4 Break That Down  Response  To the great need we have for God  To His Greatness  To our helplessness

5 Break That Down  Scripturally Informed  God operates within the purpose of His will  He does nothing apart from His will  I must pray within His great purpose  He has revealed His purpose in His Word

6 Break That Down  Persons saved by grace  “Sinners who have not trusted Jesus Christ for their salvation remain alienated from God” [Nelson p. 866]  Their first prayer must be” Lord save me from my sin”  Once we have trusted Christ for salvation we have access to God through Christ’s payment of our sins.

7 Break That Down  He Hears and Answers according to His sovereign will.

8 Aspects Of Prayer  Faith  Worship  Confession  Adoration  Praise  Thanksgiving  Dedicated Action  Request

9 Why Do We Pray?  Our DEEP Need  Apart from Christ we can do nothing!!!! [John 15:5]  It is a response to God’s love for us  In our prayers we should not only seek answers to our problems, but we should seek God Himself.

10 Why Do We Pray?  In our prayers we should seek God as revealed in His Word  We MUST live by FAITH  Faith in God means being obedient to His Word  Faith in God is always rewarded by God.

11 Why Do We Not Pray As We Ought To Pray?  “The answer, I think, is simple: I don’t pray as I ought because I’m self-reliant, which the Bible calls pride. My pride makes me think, erroneously, that I can handle things by myself, with a little help now and then from God. So, I rely mostly on myself and a little bit on God. I don’t really believe Christ’s words, “Without Me, you can do nothing.” So God graciously brings me trials to show me my great need so that I will look to my great God in prayer and trust Him to work on my behalf.”Stephen J. Cole

12  Bringing myself under the control of God’s Holy Spirit is where I need to live. The World, the Flesh, and the Devil all are in opposition to this. It is HARD work to fight the enemies of my soul and rest in the power of God.

13  We often sing;  “Savior you can move the mountains, our God is mighty to save. Jesus, author of salvation you rose and conquered the grave.”

14  He is willing and able to release that same power into our lives. And it pleases him when we yield to His strength. That is how we fight.  BUT IT IS VERY HARD


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