Calypso / Titan / Octopus 2nd Stage Regulator. Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage New cosmetics, new cover Large, easy-to-grip venturi lever –Easy to find & access.

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Presentation on theme: "Calypso / Titan / Octopus 2nd Stage Regulator. Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage New cosmetics, new cover Large, easy-to-grip venturi lever –Easy to find & access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calypso / Titan / Octopus 2nd Stage Regulator

2 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage New cosmetics, new cover Large, easy-to-grip venturi lever –Easy to find & access –Easy adjustment even while wearing gloves –Much more effective than previous switch Lateral openings in front cover –Prevents freeflow from current –The diaphragm is more stable

3 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage New design on the exhaust tee –Built in diffuser creates smaller bubbles –Less noise Soft polyurethane cover –Resistant to abrasion and tearing –Offers impact protection –Easy to purge –“Living” hinge makes removal much easier than previous model

4 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage Comes with Comfo- bite mouthpiece and reusable clamp –Great for rental –Easy change out for disinfection

5 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage Baffles in the oral boss –Guide the air flow uniformly to make the breath more natural

6 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage Once cover is removed, a clip is exposed that allows easy removal of exhaust plate No tools are required

7 Calypso / Titan 2 nd Stage Venturi retainer clip is removed with finger Slide venturi assembly out No more tiny switch on top No more circlips!

8 Cutaway View of Valve

9 Cutaway View

10 Disassembly

11 Remove LP Hose 3/4” and 11/16” open end wrench

12 Remove Hose O-ring

13 Remove Hose Swivel O-ring

14 Remove Mouthpiece Remove mouthpiece clamp by lifting cam latch lever Pull off mouthpiece

15 Remove Front Cover Grasp collar of front cover, stretch over venturi switch Pull off cover

16 Remove Sealing Ring and Diaphragm Lift out sealing ring and diaphragm Inspect for wear or damage

17 Remove Exhaust Valve Cover Lift release latch Swing valve cover off lugs on box bottom

18 Inspect Exhaust Valve Inspect valve and seating surface Valve should be clean and free of tears/holes

19 Remove Venturi Switch Remove retaining clip with finger Grasp switch and pull straight out of box

20 Remove Venturi Switch O-ring

21 Remove Inlet Fitting Apply a ¾” open end wrench to the inlet fitting Loosen and remove

22 Remove Inlet Fitting O-ring

23 Remove Crown Medium blade screwdriver Turn CCW until threads disengage

24 Remove Crown Orifice Seat Extractor Tool (PN 109437)

25 Remove Crown Orifice O-ring

26 Critically Inspect Crown Sealing area O-ring groove

27 Remove Valve Body

28 Remove Locknut ¼” nutdriver CAUTION: SPRING LOADED

29 Separate Valve Assembly

30 Remove LP Seat Pierce seat to remove Do not throw away seat; used in reassembly

31 Remove Poppet Bearing

32 Cleaning & Lubrication Brass and Stainless Steel Parts –Pre-clean in warm soapy water; nylon bristle brush –Ultrasonically clean with soapy water; vinegar OK on tough corrosion –Rinse in fresh water; use distilled water if tap water is “hard” –Blow dry with LP filtered air

33 Cleaning & Lubrication Aluminum, Plastic & Rubber Parts –Soak in warm, soapy water –Use soft nylon bristle brush to remove deposits –Rinse with fresh water –Blow dry with LP filtered air CAUTION: DO NOT soak plastic parts in acidic solutions. !

34 Cleaning & Lubrication Hoses –Soak hose ends only –Do not allow solution to enter hose –Rinse with fresh water –Dry with hose ends hanging down –Blow out hose before installing

35 Cleaning & Lubrication Lubrication –Christo-lube MCG 111 –Light film only –Remove visible excess

36 Reassembly

37 Install Exhaust Valves Outside of box bottom Pull barb thru center hole Make sure barb is all the way thru Leave 5mm after trimming Leave 5mm

38 Install Inlet Fitting O-ring

39 Install Crown O-ring

40 Press Crown into Fitting

41 Adjust Crown Drive in crown as far as tool 125727 will allow

42 Place Old Seat into Inlet Reassembly aid only Removed and discarded later

43 Install Poppet Bearing Seat Extractor Tool Place on tool squared side facing up Press fit into valve body

44 Install New LP Seat Press fit only No adhesives

45 Install Poppet & Spring Place poppet on old seat Place spring over poppet

46 Install Lever Housing Compress spring Screw all the way onto inlet fitting

47 Install Lever Top of lever faces away from air outlet hole Air Outlet

48 Install Washer

49 Install Locknut One thread showing past locknut One thread only

50 Remove Old LP Seat Remove and discard used LP seat

51 Insert Valve and Lever Assembly

52 Install Inlet Fitting Keep valve body pressed against side wall

53 Torque Inlet Fitting Inch-pound torque wrench 3/4” Crows-foot 45 (±5) in-lbs

54 Install Hose O-rings & Hose Install o-rings to each end of hose Attach hose to first stage – torque to 40 (±2) in-lbs Attach hose to second stage – turn clockwise until finger tight

55 Adjust Lever Height Lever Height Adjustment Tool (p/n 125727) Lever should be 2.5mm above rim of box bottom 2.5mm

56 Install Venturi Switch O-ring

57 Install Venturi Assembly Push into right side of box bottom Insert retaining clip, it clicks when locked into place.

58 Install Exhaust Valve Cover Mate cover holes with lugs on box bottom Swing cover up into position, it will click when latch is engaged

59 Install Diaphragm Assembly Fit washer on front of diaphragm Place assembly into box bottom

60 Install Front Cover Start with hose side

61 Inspect Front Cover Make sure it is seated evenly all the way around

62 Install Mouthpiece Buckle should be on the right side with latch pointing down

63 Attach MP Hose 11/16” crows foot Torque to 40 (±3) in/lbs

64 Testing Preferred method of testing is with a calibrated air flow test bench. This allows quantifiable results to be obtained that can be documented. All test specifications are found in the repair manual

65 Subjective Breathing Test Place venturi switch in minus “-” position Check for strong purge Inhale slowly but deeply –Should deliver air with little effort, smoothly, without “fluttering” –Should not freeflow or leak Should exhale smoothly

66 Immersion Test Submerge pressurized regulator in a test tank of clean water Observe for air leaks NOTE: Do not confuse bubbles from trapped air with a true leak. If there is an air leak, bubbles will come out in a constant stream.

67 Common Problems Air Leak or freeflow –MP too high –Lever too high –Crown orifice maladjusted or damaged –LP seat damaged Weak purge –Lever too low High opening effort –Crown orifice maladjusted

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