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Welcome to 8 th Grade! Back to School Night Central Middle School.

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2 Welcome to 8 th Grade! Back to School Night Central Middle School

3 Meet the Teachers Team White Ms. Kathy McCoy Mrs. Jeannette Russell Mr. Matt Bilen Mrs. Carrie Zierk Mr. David Chapman Ms. Monica Burke Mrs. Cathy Axen Mrs. Barb Head (para-professional)

4 8th Grade Core Values Our goal is to participate in a motivational, enjoyable learning environment that will promote respect for all members. The 8 th grade believes in responsibility, knowledge, and working towards each individual’s full potential.

5 S.T.A.R. Character Education S.T.A.R. stands for “ S tudents T hat A ccept R esponsibility” The program promotes good choices by students The program promotes monthly character traits such as: Responsibility, Integrity & Acceptance The program promotes this mission through various activities such as: Dances, Assemblies, Contests & Community Service Projects

6 Our Schedule 45 minute class periods – for the exception of ELA (90 minutes) Lunch/Band/Task Students have 9 periods – including two Encore classes & lunch 1st hour (7:45-8:25) white team teachers meet - please let us know if you would like a conference with the team during this time

7 Parent Portal Click the link for Parents and Students

8 Parent Portal Click the link for Gradebook

9 Grade Reports Progress can be monitored through Power School at any point during the school year. Some teachers post student grades in the classroom using student numbers. Students are responsible for being aware of their grade and reporting it at home. Please note that grades posted early in the quarter are not a true reflection of the overall quarter grade. Final quarter grades will be posted on Power School at the end of the quarter.

10 8th Grade Homework Policies The goal of the eighth grade teaching staff is to best prepare our students for a successful high school experience. The teaching staff strongly believes that responsibility and accountability are the keys to success. The following homework policies have been created to assist all eighth graders on their paths to success.

11 Daily Work Daily assignments must be turned in when they are due. Late daily assignments will not be accepted. Some teachers may issue detentions for missing work. Missing & late assignments will affect eligibility for athletics and extra- curricular activities.

12 Projects/Large Assignments (assignments with high point value) Purpose: to evaluate, reinforce, &/or discover strategies and concepts Major assignments must be turned in on due date. Late major assignments will be accepted on the following scale: –One day late = -20% off of final grade –Additional 10% off of final grade each additional day late Teachers may issue detentions for missing work. Missing & late assignments will affect eligibility for athletics and extra-curricular activities.

13 Absentee Homework If you would still like to pick up absentee assignments – please notify the school secretary when calling your child in sick If homework is requested it will be in the office by 2:30 P.M. for pick up of that school day It is the students’ responsibility to find out work missed and make arrangements for missed tests/quizzes

14 Unit Assessments Purpose: High school preparation & to align with PARCC assessments Occurrence: will take place at the end of every unit in ELA, pre- algebra, science, social studies, & encore classes – possibly 2 or 3 per quarter

15 Assessment Advice All 8 th grade teachers stress the importance of holding onto any: Notes Assignments Small assessments Or any other important classroom materials that might benefit them in the preparation of these assessments!

16 8 th Grade Field Trips & Special Events Springfield Trip – 10/3/14 Agriculture Day – 10/31/14 Feed My Starving Children & No. IL Food Bank – 1/22/15 Already Scheduled!

17 THANK YOU!!! We look forward to a successful year with your children! Please feel free to visit the teachers in their classrooms.

18 Elections begin in September Highlights from last year :  Veterans’ Day Assembly and fundraiser  Holiday fundraiser to provide gift baskets for district families  St. Patrick’s Day Dance  Relay for Life

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