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April 10, 2013 SPDG Implementation Science Webinar #3: Organization Drivers.

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Presentation on theme: "April 10, 2013 SPDG Implementation Science Webinar #3: Organization Drivers."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 10, 2013 SPDG Implementation Science Webinar #3: Organization Drivers

2 Online Norms State name before contributing Speak slower than usual Mute phone Mute/turn down computer volume Minimize background distractions Assume good intent BE PRESENT!!!

3 1.Overview of Implementation Science 2.Work with Transformation Specialists 3.Jan. 23: Self Evaluation of Implementation/Drivers 4.Webinar #2: Competency Drivers 5.District work on Implementation Where We’ve Been

4 Where We’re Going 1.Check in, update progress & priorities 2.Revisit: WHY IS? 3.Go deeper into Organization Drivers: Decision Support Data Systems Facilitative Administration Systems Intervention

5 Check in Round Robin: State your District and the names of those attending. Give a brief update on your district’s status with IS & your focus area – Progress to date – Priorities going forward

6 Systems Implementation: Making a BIG Difference WHY HOW WHAT

7 The Coaching Miracle! Joyce and Showers, 2002 OUTCOMES (% of Participants) TRAINING COMPONENTS Demonstrate Knowledge Demonstrate Skill Use in the Classroom Theory and Discussion 10%5%0% + Demonstration in Training 30%20%0% + Practice & Feedback in Training 60% 5% + Coaching in Classroom 95%

8 Importance of Feedback Wickstrom et al studied 33 intervention cases. Teachers agreed to do an intervention and were then observed in class. 33/33 on a self report measure indicated that they had used the intervention as specified by the team. How many/what percent thought did it? Slide taken from a presentation by Joseph Witt 0/33 Teachers had fidelity above 10%

9 Poll What % of teacher DO YOU THINK Implemented the intervention with Fidelity? 1.100 2.75 3.50 4.25 5.0

10 Effects of Self Monitoring on Teacher’s Implementation “Performance feedback can enhance implementation fidelity… self- monitoring may be an effective strategy for teachers to obtain information about their implementation in a relevant, efficient, and effective manner.” (School-wide Classroom Supports) Simonsen, et al., Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, January, 2013

11 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Core Implementation Drivers Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership AdaptiveTechnical Implementation Science Drivers The HOW Hire the right people Teach them what to do Provide ongoing coaching Inspect what you expect Use data to make decisions Listen to staff and use their feedback Find and use outside resources

12 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Decision Support Data System Sustainable Student Outcomes Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Practice (e.g. RtI) Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Integrated & Compensatory

13 Fidelity Assessments  Data from SET (School-wide Evaluation Tool)  Coaching Rubric, walk through form, etc.  Annual EBIS Systems Assessment Implementation Driver: Decision Support Data System Purpose: Employ data systems that guide MTI and RTI practices in order to increase student achievement

14 Student Performance Measures  Outcomes measures: OAKS, ODRs, DIBELS  Universal Screening: DIBELS, OAKS, ODRs, Maze  Progress Monitoring: Curriculum Based Measures (AIMSweb, DIBELS)  Diagnostic Measures: Grade +, Phonics Sc reener Implementation Driver: Decision Support Data System

15 IPAS Intervention Change Indicated Progress Monitoring Data Base

16 Silent Write Jot down: 1.The Fidelity Assessments that you use/plan to use with your EBP 2.The Student Performance Measures that you use/plan to use with your EBP

17 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Facilitative (Barrier Busting) Administration Decision Support Data System Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Integrated and Compensatory Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Sustainable Student Outcomes Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Practice (e.g. RTI)

18 Implementation Driver: Facilitative Administration Purpose: To ensure that administrators provide staff with support to implement EBP AND ensure that staff are implementing with fidelity. Monitoring Fidelity checks Principal Walk Throughs Staff Evaluation process “Comment Box” Support Schedule Resources Training/Coachi ng Procedures

19 Silent Write Jot down: 1.The Facilitative Administrative SUPPORTS that you use/plan to use with your EBP 2.The Facilitative Administrative Monitoring that you use/plan to use with your EBP

20 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Training Coaching Selection Systems Intervention Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Integrated and Compensatory Sustainable Student Outcomes Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Practice (e.g. RtI)

21 Implementation Driver: Systems Intervention Purposes: – Maintain collective focus and vision – Identify barriers and facilitate new ways of work – Create optimism and hope by communicating successes – Align with local, state, and federal agencies & policies

22 Implementation Driver: Systems Intervention Practices: – Engage and grow “champions” – District leadership actively participates with state education department agencies and legislature – Multiple district and school level teams engage in reciprocal communication (PEP – PIP cycles) – Positive feedback provided to schools on achieving CIP Goals

23 Silent Write Jot down: 1.The System Interventions that you use/plan to use with your EBP

24 District Capacity Assessment District Leadership Implementation Team

25 Next Steps Next webinars: – May 8: Leadership Complete exit survey—sent today after webinar

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