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A Review of the 2014 Mark Procedures Manual Tiffani Marsh 1, Charles Morrill 2, Pat Keniry 3, Stephen Pastor 4, Jeff Fryer 5, Scott Putnam 6, Brandon Chockley.

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Presentation on theme: "A Review of the 2014 Mark Procedures Manual Tiffani Marsh 1, Charles Morrill 2, Pat Keniry 3, Stephen Pastor 4, Jeff Fryer 5, Scott Putnam 6, Brandon Chockley."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Review of the 2014 Mark Procedures Manual Tiffani Marsh 1, Charles Morrill 2, Pat Keniry 3, Stephen Pastor 4, Jeff Fryer 5, Scott Putnam 6, Brandon Chockley 7 1. NOAA Fisheries; 2. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife 3. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife 4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 5. Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission 6. Idaho Department of Fish & Game 7. Fish Passage Center

2 Outline 1.Purpose of the manual

3 Outline 1.Purpose of the manual 2.Special Notices

4 Outline 1.Purpose of the manual 2.Special Notices 3.Review of the various sections

5 Outline 1.Purpose of the manual 2.Special Notices 3.Review of the various sections 4.Questions

6 Purpose As stated in the document This PIT Tag Marking Procedures Manual provides protocols and standards on the PIT tag marking station(s), fish handling techniques, anesthesia, tag injection, and information on data collection, verification, and transfer to the regional database. In addition to this manual, the PTSC and PTAGIS produced a PIT tag training video that is available from PTAGIS. If you have specific questions that are not answered by this document or the video, or if you would like to receive training, please contact a PTSC representative for assistance.

7 Purpose As stated in the document This PIT Tag Marking Procedures Manual provides protocols and standards on the PIT tag marking station(s), fish handling techniques, anesthesia, tag injection, and information on data collection, verification, and transfer to the regional database. In addition to this manual, the PTSC and PTAGIS produced a PIT tag training video that is available from PTAGIS. If you have specific questions that are not answered by this document or the video, or if you would like to receive training, please contact a PTSC representative for assistance. PIT Tag Specification Document

8 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology.

9 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on

10 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags

11 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags Having the ability to choose when to tag

12 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags Having the ability to choose when to tag water temperature

13 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags Having the ability to choose when to tag water temperature fish size

14 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags Having the ability to choose when to tag water temperature fish size Juvenile salmonid tagging

15 Purpose This manual provides guidelines developed from 20 + years of experience with PIT tag technology. The guidelines are based on Use of 12mm FDX tags Having the ability to choose when to tag water temperature fish size Juvenile salmonid tagging It is understood that some research studies will not be able to follow some of the protocols.


17 Special Notices Since July 1992, only disinfected injectors and tags have been approved for use in the Columbia River Basin for all hatchery and wild anadromous fish. This requirement eliminated the use of semiautomatic injectors. Disinfection using standard hand held injectors requires immersing the needle, syringe, and the end of the injector push rod in 70-80% ethyl alcohol or 60-80% isopropyl alcohol for a period of not less than 10 minutes. Currently, there is a single-use injector system (SUI) available to which the disinfection requirement does not apply, as long as the needle assembly used in this system is not re-used. If a tagger wishes to re-use the single-use needle assembly, disinfection between fish is required.

18 Special Notices Since July 1992, only disinfected injectors and tags have been approved for use in the Columbia River Basin for all hatchery and wild anadromous fish. This requirement eliminated the use of semiautomatic injectors. Disinfection using standard hand held injectors requires immersing the needle, syringe, and the end of the injector push rod in 70-80% ethyl alcohol or 60-80% isopropyl alcohol for a period of not less than 10 minutes. Currently, there is a single-use injector system (SUI) available to which the disinfection requirement does not apply, as long as the needle assembly used in this system is not re-used. If a tagger wishes to re-use the single-use needle assembly, disinfection between fish is required.

19 Special Notices The PTSC and FPAC members do not endorse or recommend any tagging location in anadromous salmonids other than what is described in this manual. Tagging in any location other than the abdominal cavity increases the risk of human consumption.

20 Special Notices The PTSC and FPAC members do not endorse or recommend any tagging location in anadromous salmonids other than what is described in this manual. Tagging in any location other than the abdominal cavity increases the risk of human consumption. Fisherman in the lower river – dorsal sinus

21 Special Notices The PTSC and FPAC members do not endorse or recommend any tagging location in anadromous salmonids other than what is described in this manual. Tagging in any location other than the abdominal cavity increases the risk of human consumption. Fisherman in the lower river – dorsal sinus Idaho Statesman article, A pit tag is crunchy, but not tasty, 11 March 2014

22 Contents

23 1.Tagging stations

24 Contents 1.Tagging stations 2.Tagging operations

25 Mass marking


27 Traps and weirs

28 Streamside

29 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques

30 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress

31 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding

32 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding Marking and recovery containers

33 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding Marking and recovery containers Anesthesia

34 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding Marking and recovery containers Anesthesia - concentration, stock solution, anesthetization

35 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding Marking and recovery containers Anesthesia - concentration, stock solution, anesthetization 4.Fish Recovery and Release

36 Contents 3.Fish handling techniques Minimizing Fish Stress - fish health, water temperature, oxygen, crowding Marking and recovery containers Anesthesia - concentration, stock solution, anesthetization 4.Fish Recovery and Release 5.Post-Tagging Mortality and Tag Retention

37 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors

38 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors Multiple use injectors (MUI)

39 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors Multiple use injectors (MUI) Disinfection

40 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors Multiple use injectors (MUI) Disinfection Construction

41 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors Multiple use injectors (MUI) Disinfection Construction Single use injectors (SUI)

42 Contents 6.PIT Tag Injectors Multiple use injectors (MUI) Disinfection Construction Single use injectors (SUI) Exempt from disinfection, unless re-used

43 Contents 7.Tag Injection

44 Holding the fish

45 Holding the injector

46 Tag insertion

47 Tag placement

48 Contents 7.Tag Injection Holding the fish Holding the needle Tag insertion Tag placement Fish size

49 Contents 7.Tag Injection Holding the fish Holding the needle Tag insertion Tag placement Fish size 65mm or larger

50 Contents 7.Tag Injection Holding the fish Holding the needle Tag insertion Tag placement Fish size 65mm or larger 8.Computerized Data Entry

51 Possible additions to document Guidelines Smaller tags Tagging adult salmonids Tagging non-salmonids Additional anesthetics

52 Web links – PTAGIS library - this manual and 2009 Specification Doc library – BPA Details/1736 - Chris Tatara Details/1736 Details/4146 - Tiffani Marsh Details/4146

53 Questions?

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