«Подготовка к изучению предметов на английском языке с УМК Business Result» Бабушкина И. В., руководитель методической службы ЗАО РЕЛОД.

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Presentation on theme: "«Подготовка к изучению предметов на английском языке с УМК Business Result» Бабушкина И. В., руководитель методической службы ЗАО РЕЛОД."— Presentation transcript:

1 «Подготовка к изучению предметов на английском языке с УМК Business Result» Бабушкина И. В., руководитель методической службы ЗАО РЕЛОД

2 In business your can never learn anything more important than successful communication skills. Max Markson Max Markson Language is the dress for thought. Samuel Johnson

3 Business English course Business Result

4 5-level course 16 units for each level


6 Business Result- to be used for in-work students Communicate with colleagues and work contacts Face-to-face communication Formal/informal meetings By phone By e-mail

7 Business Result Pre-work students at college level

8 Authentic learning context through profiles of genuine organisations Case studies with the Cranfield Expert View

9 For more than 40 years a world leader in management education and research

10 Business Result Communicative approach Digital multi-media Authentic business material

11 Student’s Book with Interactive Workbook on DVD-ROM Class Audio CDs Student’s Site Teacher’s Site Online practice Teacher’s Resource Book Teacher Training and Class DVD +

12 COURSE STRUCTURE + Practice file 2 pages per unit + Interactive WB & Video on DVD-ROM 16 units

13 Student’s book 4 hours of classroom material + 2-3 hours of additional work Practice File Additional material for more studies Elementary – Upper-intermediate: 6pages per unit Advanced -8 pages per unit

14 Key features of a unit Working with words Business communication skills Practically Speaking Language at work Case Study or Activity





19 Six areas are covered over Elementary –Advanced: Business communication Negotiating Socializing Meetings Exchanging information PresentingTelephoning



22 Case Study Background Discussion Task Get the Expert viewing your business English class

23 Teacher’s book Unit content Context Starting point Working with words Business Communication Skills Practically speaking Language at work Activity/Case study


25 Interactive Workbook


27 1. VIDEO On the Interactive Workbook (Student’s Book DVD-ROM & online at Oxford Learn) And on the Class DVD 2. SKILLS FOR BUSINESS STUDIES An optional academic skills companion that can be added to the Business Result package (Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced only). Not available separately! 3. INTERACTIVE WORKBOOK ONLINE Business Result is now online at Oxford Learn, our new Learning Management System. The Interactive Workbook will be available online at www.oxfordlearn.com/login from September 2012.www.oxfordlearn.com/login Access card comes with the Student’s Book.

28 Intermediate –Advanced: Skills for Business Studies Pack: A reading and writing skills book for business students.




32 Key Features Coverage of core subjects for business studies and related degree programmes Development of reading skills using longer texts from authentic business sources Focus on selected business vocabulary, by topic Practice of essential essay-writing skills appropriate to business studies learners

33 Flexible modularity = Full course whole units + Practice File Interactive WB –self-study) Over 100 hrs OR: Fast track Business Communication Skills+ Case Study Over 50 hrs

34 Six opportunities for further self-study practice: 1.Practice Files (found in the Student’s Book) 2. Interactive Workbook 3. Student’s Book audio (available on the Interactive Workbook) 4. Student’s Book video (available on the Interactive Workbook) 5. Student’s website: www.oup.com/elt/resultwww.oup.com/elt/result 6. Online version of the Interactive Workbook powered by Oxford Learn: www.oxfordlearn.com/loginwww.oxfordlearn.com/login (access card in the Student’s Book)

35 KEY MESSAGE 1 Complete set of materials for the successful course Opportunities for continuous studies KEY MESSAGE Your students will be able to work and study using English confidently KEY MESSAGE 3 Your students will practise academic skills through Business English KEY MESSAGE 2 You will be able to adjust the course to your students’ needs

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