Introduction to Literature English I Honors Mr. Popovich.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Literature English I Honors Mr. Popovich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Literature English I Honors Mr. Popovich

2 Introduction to Literature Overview What is Literature? Working Definition Origins of Literature Why Read Literature? Human Condition Cultural Artifacts Perspective Enjoyment How to Read Literature: Purpose Why do authors write? How to Read Literature: Audience For whom do authors write?

3 What Is Literature? A Working Definition -the written form of any language art The Origins of Literature - humans have always sung songs & told stories - but writing was invented for practical purposes -“Literature” begins with the invention of writing - soon people realized the permanence of writing -so those who could read and write gained power

4 Why Read Literature? The Human Condition -we can learn what it means to be human -many themes apply across time & space Cultural Artifacts -we can learn about other cultures -especially those that no longer exist Perspective -we can learn to see things in a different way Enjoyment?

5 Reading Literature As you read, think about the PURPOSE. What did the author intend to do with this? Is it supposed to inform or explain? Is it supposed to provoke or persuade? Is it supposed to describe a feeling or situation? Is it supposed to be sung aloud or performed? Is it supposed to tell an interesting story? If you know the author’s purpose, you are more likely to understand what you read.

6 Reading Literature As you read, think about the AUDIENCE Who does the author intend to be reading this? Is it intended for children? Is it intended for young adults? Is it intended for a general adult audience? Is it intended for a particular adult audience? If you know the author’s intended audience, you are more likely to understand what you read.

7 Review Questions 1. Give a working definition of literature. The written form of any language art 2. Briefly describe the origins of literature. Answers will vary from person to person 3. List four reasons we might read literature. To learn about the human experience, to learn about other cultures, to expand our perspective, for pure enjoyment!! 4. Briefly explain the importance of purpose. The purpose is the intended reason for a given piece of writing. Knowing why the author writes it helps us understand it better. 5. Briefly explain the importance of audience. The audience is the intended reader for a given piece of writing. Knowing for whom the author writes also helps us understand.

8 THE END Thank you! Come again!

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