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Limbic System – General and Hypothalamus Prof. K. Sivapalan.

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Presentation on theme: "Limbic System – General and Hypothalamus Prof. K. Sivapalan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limbic System – General and Hypothalamus Prof. K. Sivapalan

2 23-03-14 Structure of Limbic System. Border structures around the base of cerebrum form the lymbic system. They are cortical tissue around the hilum of the cerebral hemisphere and associated deep structures The structures include hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and septal nuclei, para olfactory area, anterior nucleus of the thalamus and portions of basal ganglia. Border structures around the base of cerebrum form the lymbic system. They are cortical tissue around the hilum of the cerebral hemisphere and associated deep structures The structures include hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and septal nuclei, para olfactory area, anterior nucleus of the thalamus and portions of basal ganglia. Lymbic system- Hypothalamus 2

3 23-03-14Lymbic system- Hypothalamus3

4 23-03-14 Evolution. Lymbic system- Hypothalamus4

5 23-03-14 Functions of the Lymbic System Lymbic system- Hypothalamus5

6 23-03-14 Emotion Lymbic system- Hypothalamus6

7 23-03-14 Reward and Punishment Areas. Also described as satisfaction or aversion. Stimulation of the reward centre satisfies the animal. Stimulation of punishment centers cause terror, pain, fear, defense, or escape reactions. Excessive stimulation of reward centers can generate sense of punishment. Excessive stimulation of punishment centers can make the animal sick and even lead to death. Also described as satisfaction or aversion. Stimulation of the reward centre satisfies the animal. Stimulation of punishment centers cause terror, pain, fear, defense, or escape reactions. Excessive stimulation of reward centers can generate sense of punishment. Excessive stimulation of punishment centers can make the animal sick and even lead to death. Lymbic system- Hypothalamus 7

8 23-03-14 Rage Defense posture Extend claws. Lift tail. Hiss Spit Growl Develop piloerection Wide open eyes Dilated pupils. Defense posture Extend claws. Lift tail. Hiss Spit Growl Develop piloerection Wide open eyes Dilated pupils. Slightest provocation results in savage attack. Stimulation of punishment centers provoke rage stimulation of reward centers provoke tameness-placidity Lymbic system- Hypothalamus8

9 23-03-14 Reward and Punishment in Learning and Memory Lymbic system- Hypothalamus9

10 23-03-14 Behavioral Functions of Hypothalamus. Lymbic system- Hypothalamus10

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